Wednesday, January 19, 2022

He loves me, he loves me not !

From time immemorial...
Girls have always plucked petals off flowers...
Mumbling; he loves me, he loves me not ...
Today also, it's no different...
For the ones who still believe in...
The good old love stories...
The Mills and Boon kind of love ...
The silhouette of the proposed lover...
Tucked away in the mind ...
Only difference ...
We are not ready to say it out aloud...
Lest there is a rejection ...
In doing so, multitude of love affairs...
Never materialize ...
For ego is a bitch ...
That can ruin relationships...
Before they even blossom ...
Now, where's my four leaf Clover? 
He loves me, he loves me not ... #GoFigure 

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