Saturday, January 22, 2022

Time Warp!

She's stuck somewhere...
Between the deceit in the past ...
And today ...
Cocooned and deeply nestled ...
In a hidden nest...
Built to protect her ...
From possible deceit again ...
So despite craving company...
She is leading a life of solitude...
She does crave company ...
Yes, she does ...
But, steps back after contact ...
Lest there be deceit again ...
And she's not proven wrong ...
Her decision has saved her so far ...
From wolves wearing the skin of sheeps ...
They come in drives ...
Acting as though they understand her ...
But actually, are mere perverts or greedy pigs ...
Wanting nothing but either the Reserve Bank Mint ...
Or a mint with a hole ...
She steps back ...
Retreats in her warm little nest ...
Wondering, what if ?
A time warp on loop ...
Just ticking away !

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