Monday, January 17, 2022

Rangbhumi !

His acting skills seem to have improved over time ...
Or all that is projected is an act ...
Those kids seem to resent him ...
Yet, they don't show the hatred on social media ...
There is an underlying current of defiance ...
They don't show it to the world ...
Just for their Mother ...
She is definitely rich ...
No wonder, he is on a leash ...
Enjoying the riches of the second better half ...
What an act ! 
He definitely deserves an Oscar for it ...
She is either a fool who doesn't know ...
Or, she is a better actor ...
Hiding the truth she knows ! 
It is a Rangbhumi they are in ...
When the show ends ...
They will all be gone their ways ...
Lonely and battered ...
What a show! 
And, the show must go on for the time being ...
Rest, Karma is certainly a BITCH ! 
The Rangbhumi of Karma ...
Will tell in time ...
Who was the victim and who the perpetrators !
Till then #GoFigure

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