Friday, January 14, 2022

Birthday Gift! #GoFigure

They weren't in touch with each other...
His birthday came up ...
They literally kissed and made up ...
She wished him ...
And, asked what do you desire for your birthday?
He said ...Write for me ! 
So, she wrote for him...
About him...
But, words cannot sum up...
What she wants to write for him...
About him...
About her feelings for him...
She's at a loss for words to describe...
The feelings she experiences...
When she hears his voice ...
And, he feels it a burden to speak?
She's trying to control the desire...
To connect always ...
She doesn't want to seem despondent...
Desperate for his voice...
She is a lady...
And a lady wouldn't ...
But, matters of the heart take over ...
It's so frustrating ...
To not be able to express what you feel...
Even in words ...
Because it's an expression...
A feeling...
No one can pen it ...
You have to feel it ...
He has to feel it...
His Birthday Gift ! #GoFigure

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