Monday, June 13, 2022

She's but a fool... Slut in a slit! #GoFigure

She's but a fool ...
Whispers in the corridors...
Whispers in the ladies powder rooms...
Whispers amongst his coursemates ...
Why does she strut around...
Like a proud peacock...
For what she doesn't deserve...
She feels the glory of her predecessor...
As her own...
She came much much later...
The hard work, sweat and toil ...
Was her predecessor's , not hers ...
She's but a fool ...
Wearing a slit doesn't make you a lady ...
It makes you look like a slut in a slit ...
Don't cut your own throat ...
And you call yourself a counselor ...
Hahaha! Joke of the millennium ...
Slut in a slit is most apt ! #GoFigure 

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