Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Nigar Fatima Husain... The Home breaker ! #GoFigure

This is the story of the woman...
Who broke one too many homes ...
Including hers.
Nigar Fatima Husain...
She left her husband for her husband ...
Yet remains single...
And still frolicks with him ...
Behind the back of his second wife ...
Either the second one knows and turns a blind eye...
Or is totally unaware of their liaison...
Nigar Fatima Husain...
Snatched the childhood away of two innocent children...
She invaded the home of a perfect couple...
Wait! Was it really a perfect home?
Wasn't the husband an alway infidel bastard ...
He married the second one for her money...
He left the first for his uncontrollable libido ...
Abandoning his own flesh and blood...
In search of his lust and horny desire fulfillment...
Nigar Fatima Husain, continues to be concubine behind the shades of grey ...
He continues to wretchedly enjoy the sins of flesh...
Under the garb of sainthood ! #GoFigure 

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