Saturday, November 14, 2015

Special Someone ...

It takes a special someone to bring out the best in you.

Life has been  one big roller coaster ride and am glad these ups and downs happened. It brought out the strength in an otherwise weak woman. Anyone else would have debilitated under the pressure , I persevered. Now, nothing affects me. I have moved on from an emotional being to one practical person with empathy for the others state of mind.

No one is born bad, it is the circumstances that make us good or bad. It is the inner strength within which decides whether we have overcome the pain , the trials and tribulations to become one above the rest.

It takes a special someone to bring out the best in us.  I had the opportunity to be affected by a lot of special people in my life. Each one gave me an experience to remember, look back upon and learn from.

Today too, I have been touched by the inclusion of a special human being whose presence has made me realize my resilience and am glad to have him with me to share the rest of our lives together.

Hoping for the best , I move forth from the past to a promised bright future.

It really has taken a special someone to bring the best out in me.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Time framed ...

They say, Time is a great healer...
She says, that's true.
With time ...
It all changed...
She was able to get over it all.

She outgrew all that held her back ...
She grew her own wings again...
Soaring once again ...
The Phoenix rose from her ashes.

Once again ...
A bird of Paradise ...
She cooed her existence ...
All the ones gone ...
Forgotten ...
And a new journey began.

The journey of life ...
Always taking her to heights ...
Never traversed but thought of ...
Once again, her adventures began.

She was happy ...
She assigned happiness a role ...
To play in her life ...
An important aspect of her lost personality...
Gained once again.

Once again she has made pacts with fate ...
Framed the time ...
Frozen her feelings ...
A stoic silence on her lips ...
She takes flight ...
Swirling upwards ...
A spiral ...
She flies yet again on her terms.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

What does little Birdie say ?

What does little Birdie say,
In his nest each fine day?
Mamma, let me fly away,
Mamma let me fly ...
Mother said to little Birdie ...
Wait a little longer,
Till your wings are little stronger...
Then you fly away.

So, she waits a little longer,
Till her wings are little stronger,
Then, she flies away .

My Son,
My first born,
Is ready for his flight ...
I as a Mother ,
Must let go ...
My Baby has grown ,
Grown into a strapping lad ...
One with a mind of his own...
A strong man ,
He has become...
Not only physically,
but, also mentally and emotionally ...
This Birdie takes flight today ..
A new World of opportunities await my Son...
Go, go on and conquer the World ...
With your wit and wry humour.

A whole new horizon awaits ...
To be discovered ...
Go, my Son ...
Do your mother proud ...
Let her gloat in your glory...
For her silver sunset is made.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Tiny hands ...

The uncompromising love ...
Not yet tinted by the Worldly sins...
The love in the eyes ...
That seek her presence each day ...
To run into her open arms ...
To be with her ...
The love lost ...
Filled void by innocent love ...
The tiny hands ...
Holding her hands ...
The fist encircling her finger...Forming a close bond...
Unmatched by any love ...
Sweet innocent love ...
Unblemished smiles ...
Grinning upon seeing her ...
Her lap filled with love ...
The embrace of purity ...
Nothing else matters ...
But this!

She wouldn't want anything ...
But these moments to go on forever ...
They fill the emptiness in her life ...
With love unparalleled to any other...
She doesn't miss him anymore ...
She has his little ones to love and pamper ...
She has him ...
In them she finds his love for her.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Beginning afresh ...

Looking back upon the past...
They realised what they missed ...
Moments together ...
Moments lost living a false life ...
A life not of their own ...
Together they lived in fantasies ...
Now, a living fantasy of their love ...
Not acknowledging yet ...
Deep within ...
Embracing each other ...
Living out moments of ecstasy.

They were meant to be always ...
So be it ...
They live each moment a time ...
A World unthinkable in mortal times ...
Yet, always together in thoughts ...
Immortalised by their souls.

Beginning afresh, they look no further ...
But, in the moments ...
Being in love ...
They walk past what impedes their foray ...
Into a Life of love and sinful Lust.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Little ones ...

Tiny fingers encircling hers...
Palms touching her palm...
How can she ignore this love?
How can she ...
Not love them.

His little ones ...
Loving her unconditionally ...
Their ever inquisitive eyes...
Seeking her ...
Darting behind walls ...
Hiding somewhere ...
She can feel them looking for her.

The sweet innocence of those smiles ..
The hugs galore ...
He may have sired them ...
But she feels for them.

She let go of him ...
For they complete her ...
An eternal love of motherhood ...
She smiles benevolently...
In their happiness lies her joy ...
They bring immense pleasure to her being ...
They helped her get over the agony ...
The ecstasy of Motherhood.

The little ones ...
By a stroke of destiny...
A divine intervention ....
For making her happy again.

She trips and trots in their company ...'forgetting her sorrow and loss ...
For what better a gain ...
But, Motherhood once again.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Maleficent ...

Maleficent in every word ...
Truer in the meaning ...
The every embodiment of sacrifice ...
Maleficent in deed.

Loving his as her own ...
Grooming them as her own ...
Not a service she provides ...
But mammoth love she imbibes.

They rush into her arms ..
Sneaking smiles her way ...
Every ounce of her willpower ...
To steer clear goes waste.

She is no evil ...
For her heart is filled with love ...
Compassion beyond her means ...
Loving them as her own.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Nirmohi ...

O Nirmohi,moh na jaane ...
Kaahe ko moh kare ...
Mann re, tu kaahe na dhheer dhharey...

Aptly describes the state of a troubled mind ...
The state of mind in turbulence ...
What with giving up all ..
And walking away ...
Is it so easy?

Nothing comes easy...
Nor it goes easy ....
A strange feeling remains ...
An unfulfilled desire.
Somewhere deep down ...
A scream remains stifled ...
What if ...
It were to be exposed?
What if ...
It remains ...
A treasure like chest , heavy ...
With the secrets...
Heavy with desires.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Blasts from the past that fizzled out ...

Pffft ...phhusssphhuuusss furrrrr ...
They made a comeback ...
But, Alas! Couldn't match her expectations ...
Nor sustain a woman stronger than them...
The blasts from the past ...
They all came back ...
Only to be kicked out unceremoniously ...
From her life.

Imagine the pain and shame ...
They harbour ...
Their alter egos hurt...
The Alpha male ...
Ground to the ground ...
Groweling and begging ...
In front of a female.

Yes , they all did ...
Worshipping the very Earth she tread upon ...
They licked the dust off her feet.

Let me assure you my friend...
This isn't the end of the tirade ...
They ignited ...
This is just a glimpse of more to come...
Snapshots assured of moments of intimacy ...
A decko into the messed up minds ...
Frustrated husbands ...
Bored wives ...
You hear of them all ...
You get to see when she writes.

The blasts that fizzled out ...
The launch they imagined ...
Flattened egos ...
Burst bubbles...
You will find them all ...
Coming soon to her wall.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Weirdo ...

Wierdo , was the word he used for the love of his life!
She was shattered ...
After using her...
Abusing her ...
He uses one word to define her.

She took it literally...
She turned weird ...
All wired up...
Uppity about everything ...
All about him.

He changed her ...
Transformed her into a monster he dreaded ...
Monster she became ..
But to his fears ...
His apprehensions ...
Losing herself in the process ..
Destroying who she was ...
Just for him ...
For once and for all ...
She became selfish.

That abominable carrot ...
Dangling in front of her ...
She went in for the kill ...
Forgetting who she was...
She was in love ...
He destroyed her in his love ...
Dissolving in his being ...
She became one with him ...
But, destroy he did ...
Her ...
A simple being ...
Annihilated, in his love.

The wierdo ...
Turned her into himself ...
Using her ,
Abusing her ...
All the time.

I don't know where Home is ...

She lost her home ages ago ...
Eversince she has been a nomad ...
Her heart on rent ...
Life on rent...
Emotions on rent ...
She wants to go home ...
But, there is no home for her ...
She wanders aimlessly ...
Making a living out of nothing ...
Only to go back to nothingness...
She searches high and low ...
There is no home for her to go to.

She looks up at the blazing Sun ...
She sighs!
I don't have a home.

She walks in the pouring rain ...
She sighs ...
I don't have a home ...
Tears camouflaged by the downpour ...
She sloughs on ...
The drearies of a homeless life ...
Engulfing her.

Friday, June 12, 2015

I love him and he ...

... only uses me ...
All he has done is use me ...
Ranaji ...
Once again ...
You just return to use me ...
For. Your betterment ..
And tease me ...
Get me enraged...
Have you no shame ...
No spine?

Dissolving into the oblivion ...

Far beyond the horizon ...
Dissolving into the oblivion ...
Are memories ...
Fading one at a time ...
Once again ...
Strangers ...
Meeting under the same roof ...
None the less strangers  they are ...
An awkward silence engulfing them ...
They go about the official life ...
For him, a life at home too ...
She a zombie forever.

For it is She who lost all ...
All he lost were two drops ...
Of passion filled sweat ...
She lost a life ...
Her life.

Fading into the oblivion ...
Her footprints on sands of time ...
She a mere ghost ...
Of a rich past gone by.

Dissolving in her tears ...
Salted with memories ...
Her life takes another turn ...
She goes round the corner ...
Never turning back ...
Into the horizon ...
They say ...
You can still trace her footsteps ...
But , footprints no more.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Fumblings ...

He fumbled ...
She fumbled ....
An awkward silence between the two ...
eyes unable to meet ...
For they would still see something ...
They fumbled through the work ...
They worked it through ....
An eerie feeling prevailed ...
There was nothing to say.

Unspoken words ...
Unsaid feelings ...
Conveyed in the silence ...
That ensued.

The tears welled up ...
On the verge of a drop ...
Rolling down her cheeks ...
Watching his retreating steps.

Her heart aflutter ...
Her emotions stifled ...
A wreck he left her ...
Then and now.

How can he walk away ...
Knowing how she felt?
How could he yet once again ...
Come before her and walk away yet again?

Fumbling for words ...
She wipes the tears off ...
Stains on her cheeks ...
A sad story to sob about.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Muted emotions...

The gaze that set the heart aflutter...
It still bothers her.

She ignores ...
But, it keeps coming back.

Why, when he had gone away...
Did he return?

Nothing seems right ...
It ain't right anymore ...
Nothing makes sense...
It ain't making sense.

She had muted all the feelings...
The emotions...
Then, why come back...
To haunt her life again.

After sapping her of all ...
That she cared about ...
Her life shattered...
Why does he return?
His own selfish motives ...
A stoic expression on her face ...
She walks past him...
Wondering why?

All those mute feelings ...
Coming to the fore ...
She looks at the distant sky ...
A forlorn thought ...
Crossing her disturbed mind ...
Now what?

Sunday, June 7, 2015

She ...

She doesn't need eyes to see him ...
She can feel his presence ...
She can sense his emotions ...
She is affected by his myriad feelings ...
So, she avoids him...
For his sake ...
She forgets his presence ...
All too aware ...
That he is aware of her presence too ...
Their dilemmas ...
Unspoken feelings ...
Incomplete conversation ...
Lying heavy on their souls ...
Yet, she walks away from him ...
But, destiny plays truant ...
A cruel game ...
And places him before her.

She stifles her cry ...
The unrolled tears soaked back ...
She walks past him ...
Aware of his awareness of her.

Sad, that two people madly in love ...
Have to be separated by destiny ...
A destiny forewritten ...
Two innocent souls suffering.

A zombie ...
She junks herself ...
Trashing her life ...
For the love of her life ...
She walks away ...
Tears rolling down her cheeks ...
In a pouring rain.


The awning of her life...

It covers her childhood ...
It drapes over her young adulthood ...
The awning of her life ...
It never fades.

It changes colour...
Like her greying hair...
The awning of her life ...
As colourful as ever.

The Chameleon of thoughts...
The gigantic bubble of ideas...
Frothy delights of a humongous mind...
The awning of her life ...
Goes on and on.

In the end...
All will be left behind ...
Nothing taken ...
Nothing given ...
The awning gets left behind ...
A kaleidoscope of a colourful life.

She hides under the awning ...
She smoles under the awning...
She aches for retribution...
All under the awning...
The awning of her life ...
The cover that camouflages...
Her emotions ...
A cool plain face to show ...
Not a scathing of life.

There under the starlit night ...
She stares into the oblivion...
Aware of an aching...
Ignoring the pain...
And moving on ...
The awning of her life ...
A page well written...
A canvas of her feelings ...
The awning never ends.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

The last encounter

Focussed on her resolve,
She walked past him,
Aware of his gaze upon her
She kept walking
Conscious he was following her every move.

She moved far far away
Thwarting his love, for loneliness
A solitude she best understood
An ache within
Buried deep
She moved on for him.

Remembering each moment with him
She spends her days and nights
They say she is dying
Not knowing the cause.

Heartbroken she
In her aches and pains
Only takes his name
Yes she is dying
Of a heart broken into a million pieces.

To the World she exhibits
A smile that is fake
They say she is dying
Not knowing why.

With his memories playing
And replaying in her eyes
She breathes heavily in her coffin
The nails of which
She hammered in...
A darkness she embraced.

Friday, May 1, 2015

A brief encounter ...

They met never,
yet they were bonded easily...
Dreaming of a life together...
they decided to tie the knot...
little knowing that destiny ...
had someother plans for them.

She lost him forever ...
to destiny ...
her destiny tied to death ...
a rope that strangulated ...
aall their dreams ...
separating them before...
they could ever meet.

Tears have dried up...
wails an echo from the past ...
she lives with the brief memory ...
of his positivity...
his soft banter ...
his laughter...
In remembrance she shall remain...
though they say ...
he was a fraud ...
to her he meant no harm ...
to her he remains her hero...
whom she lost to time.

A brief encounter ...
she shall cherish ...
the kind words ...
his friendly banter...
an all encompassing nature ...
he was her hero...
come what may...
whatever they say.

Rest in peace ...
dear departed soul...
for a kindered spirit you were ...
in a hurting heart.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Disappearing Act ...

The glib artist ...
The one with eloquence ...
He does the disappearing act ...
She is left hanging in there ...
Numb and cold from shock ...
He never existed ....
Is all the answer she gets.

She searched high and low ...
For the one who made promises ...
Empty shells were all she found ...
A cry from her heart arose.

The twinkling in those eyes ...
An image she can't shake off ...
Mocking her vanity ...
Her faith shattered once again ...
Trust in the backseat of a burning car.

She plunges into the deep abyss of depression ...
Wondering what it is ...
That destiny has no smiles for her...
Just thorns and dried roses.

The disappearing act ...
By the artist of con ...
Or, retreating into a shell ...
By a man pummeled to death.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Hunk that got the prize ...

The most good looking hulk walking the Earth...
Ranaji, the name fondly referred as...
He swept her off her feet ...
Even after 28 years ...
He had the power...
The charisma to do it all over again...
In a moment she melted ...
His gaze shrouded by eyelashes ...
Intense and strong gaze...
Denuding her with those eyes ...
He took her in his arms ...
And made her his again.

The rippling muscles of his arms...
The biceps on which she lay her head...
The torso strong and wild ...
Passion unbridled they lay.

The handsome hunk ...
That he is ...
Never fades the image from her eyes...
As she lay with him...
All spent in their passion...
She knew ...
She was always his.

Those moments of passion ...
They keep her alive ...
She lives in a World of his and hers.

Her love as before ...
Rising to a crescendo ...
The moans of passion...
Of sweet pain...
An ache that remains within ...
Feeling his warmth ...
Deep inside ...
The ravenous hunger seeks ...
His warmth again and again.

Their love ...
A story ...
A legend to be talked about...
In hushed tones ...
Lest they be exposed...
Lest he be unravelled ...
As the true lover ...
Of the bird of paradise ...
The Phoenix yet rises again ...
The love rears its head once again.

Those hushed I love yous ...

Holding hands and walking in the drizzle ... I remember vividly that walk culminating in cookies and orange juice. Those hushed I love yous in Pune ... all being there yet the world consisted of just you and me.
That morning song ...kaale megha kaale megha paani tooh barsa jaa... a cue for me to join you in the balcony for a cuddle before others woke up ... so many sweet memories ...
Watching us full length, naked in the mirror ...our bodies complimenting each other ... a pair made in heaven.
The moments of passion...intertwined not for a moment ready to unwind ... just remaining in each others arms and dreaming of a future together.
The awkward first time and you soothing my nerves whispering sweet nothings in my ears ... nibbling on my ear lobes ...heigtening the pleasure of your warm love within me.
Those stolen hugs and kisses in the corridors and staircase ...on the way to the terrace. Yes, those moments of bliss ... a stairway to heaven.... leading to the loved one born of our passion... but, you abandoned us at the nth moment... leaving us destitute. .. your child and mine ... had to return to oblivion for your act of cowardice.
Where did all that love go?
Where did all that passion go?
Where did you disappear in your moment of shame?
So many queries ...all unanswered ...
And, here I go again ... a smile pasted on my lips making the World believe all is okay and nothing ever went wrong.
She weeps each night for the unborn ... while you lay there with yours from another.
She still loved yours as her own for she is a mother, she doesn't differentiate ... all she knows is love and to give it freely to little ones as her own.
Where did that night of passion go... when you undressed for her ... you wore the white dhoti in kolkata and posed for her. Those moments when you were with her and none other.
She has a lot of questions ... questions you left unanswered.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

A fact that was ...

Neither can he deny it ...
Nor can he agree to it ...
An act of saying yes ...
Beheads him in full public view ...
Head held low in shame ...
He walks past her ...
She walks away ...
Her head held high as always ...
For such roaches of society ...
Exist everywhere ...
For them , why to cry ...
They deserve no mercy ...
They deserve no glory ...
From gutter they rise ...
There they shall perish.

A fact that was ...
A fact it remains ...
History, a witness to his crime ...
His closed eyes a torment ...
For in his own ...He shall see the pain ...
He gave pain to his future ...
His past a reminder ...
A remorse he shall carry ...
Beyond yonder ...
His pain evident in his eyes ...
The woman besides ...Tormented by his folly.

A fact that was ...
A fact it shall remain ...
His folly ...
His downfall from grace ...
For he thought, a woman was...
A thing of play.

He shall remain cursed ...
The wound gushing with pus...
No salvation in sight ...
He shall remain tormented ...
In his plight.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Unspoken words ...

The conversation left incomplete ...
Unspoken words ...
Of frail emotions ...
Of fazed thoughts...
A frame left incomplete...
Unspoken words ...
Meaningful looks ...
Moist eyes  looking the other way ...
The hurt deep ...
Stabbing into the heart ...
Each day, each moment ...
An ache becoming stronger...
Deeper wounds inflicted ...
By Unspoken words...
Words that could make or break many ...
Not her ...
For, she the Lone Wolverine ...
Roams the mist filled ...
Foggy Hills of an emotive land ...
She walks alone ...

For her solitude is her solace ...

In the melancholy heart ...
Chimes of pain ...
Heard each moment ...
Dreams shattered to bits ...
The path to heaven clouded ...
Just a precipice ahead.

She walks alone ...
Smiling ...
Masking the aches ...
A smug smile ...
A know it all grin ...
She swirls her skirt ...
And, walks farther away ...
Her wings spanning the vast sky ...
She soars up ...
The Phoenix resurrected ...
Her unspoken words ...
Waiting for his spoken words ...
Unheard by her.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Oceans Apart ...

Miles apart...
Countless miles ...
They pine for each other ...
Like Oceans apart ...
Mountains as barricades ...
They desire proximity ...
Yet, miles separating them...
They are but one ...
Two Hearts but one Soul.

They glide through ...
In their dreams ...
In each others arms they rest ...
They believe in each other ...
They fall apart if away even for a moment ...
Not a moment goes ...
When they don't remind each other..
Of their existence ..Their presence ...
A whiff of fresh air ...
In the sultry afternoons ...
Humid nights ...
None can keep them away.

Oceans apart ...
They wait ...
Sighing upon a full moon...
Meaningful existence ...
Theirs forever to cherish.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Maori Connection ...

There is aboriginal feeling ...
An intuition of sorts ...
Deep rooted thoughts ...
Putting it all together ...
The geyserly mind ...
Erupting with steamy lines ...
An old connection ...
With something Maori...
The tribe that knows it all...
Nature its tell tale signs...
Wind, water,  Sun ...
All along.

In the air ...
Whistles the whispers ...
Of tales untold ...
Unfurling the flsmes...
Locked within.

A pressure building up ...
Shooting up towards the sky ...
Scalding the skin that touches the steam ...
Scarring them for life.

Thr Maories call it justice ...
Fury of the nature ...
Fury of a woman in rage.

The Maori connection is strong ...
The howling wind whispers his name ...
A new rage engulfs her being ...
Destroying all in its path.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Grief embraces her ...

Yet again ...
Fate brings its fruits ...
Destiny plays its part ...
Yet again ...
Grief embraces her...
Engulfs her in a vicious grip...
Embalming pain on her heart.

Grief embraces her soul...
Tears her apart...
Reminding her ...
Happiness is not her cup of tea ...
Nor is it in her kitty.

Yet again ...
She walks her lonely path...
Crawls into her solitude ...
Hides her pain ...
Behind a mask of stoic silence ...
A melancholy smile pasted...
On a face pale and white.

Grief embraces her ...
She walks in the unseasonal rains ...
Tears mingling with raindrops...
Salt diluting on the way.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

I have forgotten ...

I have forgotten...
How it feels to breathe in fresh air...
I have forgotten ...
How it feels to be carefree.

I have forgotten ...
How it feels ...
To love and hug my own kids.
When was the last time...
I had a good family time with my loved ones?
When did I laugh with gay abandon ...
At their silly pranks ?
I have forgotten ...
What it feels like to be a mother ...
All that I am is a ...
Money making machine.

I look back with regret...
A streak of remorse crosses my face...
Saddened by my failure...
As a mother and provider ...
I remember,
I have forgotten to be a mother.

When was the last time...
I cooked crazy stuff for them?
When was the last time ...
I danced in the rain with them?
Good times to be remembered ...
I have forgotten.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

His Shadow ...

Am touched ...
By his shadows ...
I can hear music ...
His footsteps make music ...
Only I can hear....
Stop O' Heart ...
Don't be so anxious ...
Let him suffer a bit ...
Trouble him a bit ...
Let him woo you ...
Go on ...
Twitch a bit but ...
Wait to hear his footsteps ...
O' Heart not so quick ...
To give away ...
Your feelings ...
Let him know waiting .,.
Longing be his punishment ..
For coming so late in life ...
For making you wait ...
Let him suffer a bit.
His shadow ...
Touches you ...
You feel a tingle ...
What will your state be...
When he really takes you in his arms?
Be his shadow ...
As he shall be yours ...
Together take those steps ...
That take you to an ethereal World.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

The suffering never ends ...

It never ends, your suffering ... your struggles.

One is gone and another begins ... the journey of life and its ups and down bogging the human in us each time ... a new test ... a new pain ... same aches but in varying proportions ... some more than before ... some expected so the intensity a bit low.

There, you stand at the shore heaving a sigh of relief that you are over one big hurdle and moved on and there appears out of nowhere a gigantic iceberg to remind you that it is much deeper than you thought ... the root cause of all your worries and troubles.

One moment you sigh with relief and the next moment you find yourself neck deep in shit.

Words that lead you on and you start dreaming , making big pictures of happily ever after and then suddenly you fall flat on your face coz' commitments were hard to maintain and one turned out to be a coward and calculative user of emotions.

Yes, we do come across assholes who squeeze you dry and walk away with a smug smile. Little do they know, it is a small World and what goes around comes around. All that they stand for, their World can come tumbling down ... the rubbles burying every relation they cherish the most ...  for they have sinned and a sinner receives no respite.

A strong person is one who gets jolted to reality with such humbug revelations and still puts on a smile ... pastes one on her face and walks tall.

There is no more looking back but to move forth and make ones mark and move on to another realm ... where one is safe and secure in the knowing that none can hurt them anymore.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Journey starts yet again ...


A new adventure to begin with ...
Back again to the place ...
From where she started from scratch before ...
A life that was left behind ...
Revisiting her past ...
A sense of catharsis taking root ...
In her conscience ...
All she knows ...
Is she is a monk ...
Realizing her moksha ...
Letting it all go ...
Unaffected by peoples emotions ...
All her life living for others ...
Now, starting to live for herself ...
Baby steps ...
Strong bold steps though ...
In the belief that ...
Peace becomes her.

A mind and heart in turmoil ...
She leaves behind bitter sweet memories ...
Some loved ones ...
Some very dear ...
Stifling the sobs ...
Wiping the tear in the corner of her eye ...
She moves on ...
Marches on ...
The Soldier of her own destiny yet again.

Bring it on!!!

She starts afeesh ...
From where she left off...
In search of a new destination...
The foot soldier marches on ...
A new travelogue to be written ...
A new name ...
A new place ...
She moves into a new realm ...
A familiar place but ...
With a another destiny awaiting. ..
All the old life left behind ...
The foot soldier soldiers on.

The past but a distant memory ...
Her life a new story to begin with ...
Another chapter ...
Another history to create.

She marches on ...
A new destination ...
A new fate awaiting her ...
Nothing of the past in her kitty anymore ...
A new identity ...
A new face
She looks destiny in the eye and says ...
Bring it on!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

In the dark allies. ..

Looking back ...
She sees only darkness ...
In those dark allies ...
Are buried her memories ...
Memories of yesterday ...
Yesterdays trials and tribulations ...
Some good ...
Some sordid tales of pain...
She had forgotten them ...
But, suddenly they loom large ...
On her mind ...
Playing yet another game ...
Of hide and seek.

A painful experience ...
A beautiful memory ...
All buried deep somewhere ...
Screaming from their graves ...
Asking to be exhumed ...
Making her look back ...
The screams from those coffins ...
Laid to rest ...
Those screams beckoning her ...
To open the Pandora's box again.

She wonders ...
Whether to unleash the beasts ...
Or let ghem remain buried ...
A dilemma ...
A pendulum going to and fro ...
Her mind a shamble of emotions ...
What to do ...
And, what not to do.

Those dark allies ...
Lanes long forgotten ..
Rear their ugly heads again ...
She ...
A mixed bag of emotions ...
Hetherto unknown  to herself ...
Wonders why.

Saturday, January 10, 2015


Suddenly ...
Nothing matters ....
All those mushy talks ...
The sleepless nights ...
The exhilaration ...
Nothing at all ...
Just a blank expression ...
No feelings to express ...
Just no feelings at all...
The person a distant thought ...
A part of memory ...
Gone blank.

Suddenly ...
There is no morose ...
Just no feelings ...
No expressions...
No void ...
One has moved ahead.