Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Disappearing Act ...

The glib artist ...
The one with eloquence ...
He does the disappearing act ...
She is left hanging in there ...
Numb and cold from shock ...
He never existed ....
Is all the answer she gets.

She searched high and low ...
For the one who made promises ...
Empty shells were all she found ...
A cry from her heart arose.

The twinkling in those eyes ...
An image she can't shake off ...
Mocking her vanity ...
Her faith shattered once again ...
Trust in the backseat of a burning car.

She plunges into the deep abyss of depression ...
Wondering what it is ...
That destiny has no smiles for her...
Just thorns and dried roses.

The disappearing act ...
By the artist of con ...
Or, retreating into a shell ...
By a man pummeled to death.

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