Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Unspoken words ...

The conversation left incomplete ...
Unspoken words ...
Of frail emotions ...
Of fazed thoughts...
A frame left incomplete...
Unspoken words ...
Meaningful looks ...
Moist eyes  looking the other way ...
The hurt deep ...
Stabbing into the heart ...
Each day, each moment ...
An ache becoming stronger...
Deeper wounds inflicted ...
By Unspoken words...
Words that could make or break many ...
Not her ...
For, she the Lone Wolverine ...
Roams the mist filled ...
Foggy Hills of an emotive land ...
She walks alone ...

For her solitude is her solace ...

In the melancholy heart ...
Chimes of pain ...
Heard each moment ...
Dreams shattered to bits ...
The path to heaven clouded ...
Just a precipice ahead.

She walks alone ...
Smiling ...
Masking the aches ...
A smug smile ...
A know it all grin ...
She swirls her skirt ...
And, walks farther away ...
Her wings spanning the vast sky ...
She soars up ...
The Phoenix resurrected ...
Her unspoken words ...
Waiting for his spoken words ...
Unheard by her.

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