Thursday, February 26, 2015

I have forgotten ...

I have forgotten...
How it feels to breathe in fresh air...
I have forgotten ...
How it feels to be carefree.

I have forgotten ...
How it feels ...
To love and hug my own kids.
When was the last time...
I had a good family time with my loved ones?
When did I laugh with gay abandon ...
At their silly pranks ?
I have forgotten ...
What it feels like to be a mother ...
All that I am is a ...
Money making machine.

I look back with regret...
A streak of remorse crosses my face...
Saddened by my failure...
As a mother and provider ...
I remember,
I have forgotten to be a mother.

When was the last time...
I cooked crazy stuff for them?
When was the last time ...
I danced in the rain with them?
Good times to be remembered ...
I have forgotten.

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