Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Journey starts yet again ...


A new adventure to begin with ...
Back again to the place ...
From where she started from scratch before ...
A life that was left behind ...
Revisiting her past ...
A sense of catharsis taking root ...
In her conscience ...
All she knows ...
Is she is a monk ...
Realizing her moksha ...
Letting it all go ...
Unaffected by peoples emotions ...
All her life living for others ...
Now, starting to live for herself ...
Baby steps ...
Strong bold steps though ...
In the belief that ...
Peace becomes her.

A mind and heart in turmoil ...
She leaves behind bitter sweet memories ...
Some loved ones ...
Some very dear ...
Stifling the sobs ...
Wiping the tear in the corner of her eye ...
She moves on ...
Marches on ...
The Soldier of her own destiny yet again.

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