Wednesday, January 14, 2015

In the dark allies. ..

Looking back ...
She sees only darkness ...
In those dark allies ...
Are buried her memories ...
Memories of yesterday ...
Yesterdays trials and tribulations ...
Some good ...
Some sordid tales of pain...
She had forgotten them ...
But, suddenly they loom large ...
On her mind ...
Playing yet another game ...
Of hide and seek.

A painful experience ...
A beautiful memory ...
All buried deep somewhere ...
Screaming from their graves ...
Asking to be exhumed ...
Making her look back ...
The screams from those coffins ...
Laid to rest ...
Those screams beckoning her ...
To open the Pandora's box again.

She wonders ...
Whether to unleash the beasts ...
Or let ghem remain buried ...
A dilemma ...
A pendulum going to and fro ...
Her mind a shamble of emotions ...
What to do ...
And, what not to do.

Those dark allies ...
Lanes long forgotten ..
Rear their ugly heads again ...
She ...
A mixed bag of emotions ...
Hetherto unknown  to herself ...
Wonders why.

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