Sunday, June 7, 2015

The awning of her life...

It covers her childhood ...
It drapes over her young adulthood ...
The awning of her life ...
It never fades.

It changes colour...
Like her greying hair...
The awning of her life ...
As colourful as ever.

The Chameleon of thoughts...
The gigantic bubble of ideas...
Frothy delights of a humongous mind...
The awning of her life ...
Goes on and on.

In the end...
All will be left behind ...
Nothing taken ...
Nothing given ...
The awning gets left behind ...
A kaleidoscope of a colourful life.

She hides under the awning ...
She smoles under the awning...
She aches for retribution...
All under the awning...
The awning of her life ...
The cover that camouflages...
Her emotions ...
A cool plain face to show ...
Not a scathing of life.

There under the starlit night ...
She stares into the oblivion...
Aware of an aching...
Ignoring the pain...
And moving on ...
The awning of her life ...
A page well written...
A canvas of her feelings ...
The awning never ends.

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