Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Blasts from the past that fizzled out ...

Pffft ...phhusssphhuuusss furrrrr ...
They made a comeback ...
But, Alas! Couldn't match her expectations ...
Nor sustain a woman stronger than them...
The blasts from the past ...
They all came back ...
Only to be kicked out unceremoniously ...
From her life.

Imagine the pain and shame ...
They harbour ...
Their alter egos hurt...
The Alpha male ...
Ground to the ground ...
Groweling and begging ...
In front of a female.

Yes , they all did ...
Worshipping the very Earth she tread upon ...
They licked the dust off her feet.

Let me assure you my friend...
This isn't the end of the tirade ...
They ignited ...
This is just a glimpse of more to come...
Snapshots assured of moments of intimacy ...
A decko into the messed up minds ...
Frustrated husbands ...
Bored wives ...
You hear of them all ...
You get to see when she writes.

The blasts that fizzled out ...
The launch they imagined ...
Flattened egos ...
Burst bubbles...
You will find them all ...
Coming soon to her wall.

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