Sunday, June 14, 2015

Weirdo ...

Wierdo , was the word he used for the love of his life!
She was shattered ...
After using her...
Abusing her ...
He uses one word to define her.

She took it literally...
She turned weird ...
All wired up...
Uppity about everything ...
All about him.

He changed her ...
Transformed her into a monster he dreaded ...
Monster she became ..
But to his fears ...
His apprehensions ...
Losing herself in the process ..
Destroying who she was ...
Just for him ...
For once and for all ...
She became selfish.

That abominable carrot ...
Dangling in front of her ...
She went in for the kill ...
Forgetting who she was...
She was in love ...
He destroyed her in his love ...
Dissolving in his being ...
She became one with him ...
But, destroy he did ...
Her ...
A simple being ...
Annihilated, in his love.

The wierdo ...
Turned her into himself ...
Using her ,
Abusing her ...
All the time.

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