Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Maori Connection ...

There is aboriginal feeling ...
An intuition of sorts ...
Deep rooted thoughts ...
Putting it all together ...
The geyserly mind ...
Erupting with steamy lines ...
An old connection ...
With something Maori...
The tribe that knows it all...
Nature its tell tale signs...
Wind, water,  Sun ...
All along.

In the air ...
Whistles the whispers ...
Of tales untold ...
Unfurling the flsmes...
Locked within.

A pressure building up ...
Shooting up towards the sky ...
Scalding the skin that touches the steam ...
Scarring them for life.

Thr Maories call it justice ...
Fury of the nature ...
Fury of a woman in rage.

The Maori connection is strong ...
The howling wind whispers his name ...
A new rage engulfs her being ...
Destroying all in its path.

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