Saturday, August 23, 2014

The power of love ...

She knows not what binds him to her...
Yet, he lingers on...
Like a shadow ...
The love from her past...
He stays put ...
Whatever she tries ...
To put him off ...
He doesn't budge ...
Believing her ...
Trusting her...
He doesn't walk away ...
He stays put.
The love from her past ...
He remains ...
Despite all her lamentations...
Her nagging...
Her cuss words ...
Choicest of abuses ....
He stays put ...
For he believes in her.
That is the power of love ...
Love in its purest form ...
Love of two souls ...
Conjoined somewhere deep within ...
A coitus made in heaven ...
A destiny ...
That had to be....
A love none can surpass.
A binding relationship...
At heart ...
One with each other ...
Not separate ...
They continue their love affair ...
Under the wraps ...
Wrapped in each others thoughts.
A love none can match ...
The power of love unimaginable...
They meet in their thoughts ...
One not separate from the other.

The power of love ...
Surpasses all boundaries ...
All barricades broken ...
Every moment cherished ...
Loving being there for one another.

The oneness shows ...
The power of love.

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