Saturday, August 2, 2014

She doesn't miss him ...

She is done with his hostrionics ...
She is done with his drama ....
She doesn't need him ...
She has his essence within her ...
Enough for her to live ...
With his memories forever.

He won't be there ...
But his shadow will tag along ...
Just like she was his shadow ...
Only this time ...
She will have him forever ...
In what he gifted her that night.

She can feel him grow within her ...
Unconditional love sweeping her being ...
She is one with nature ...
Whispering sweet nothings to her unborn.

She won't ever miss him ...
She is thankful ...
He gave her a gift ...
A gift of life just hers.

A custom made gift ...
A tailor made bounty ...
A basket of happiness ...
A bounty of joy...
She waits for the Stork to visit ...
With her bundle of love.

She knows the journey will be lonesome...
But with her baby in her arms ...
She is ready to take on the World.

She doesn't miss him ...
She loves him more ...
For what he gave her ...
Was a second chance ...
To be a mother again.

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