Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Meeting him ... Getting the old sparkle back

Seems like it was ...
Meeting him after ages ...
Just a few days here and there ..
But the emotions that welled up ..
They showed ...
Full and upfront ...
The rage ...
The tears ...
All worth a dekko of your loved one.

That meeting with hi ...
Short and sweet ,,,
He made my anger vanish ...
How does he do it?

Ah! The Salesman he is ...
He knows his way around...
The tricky grey matter of mine...
He manipulate me...
He knows how to make me smile ...
How to get the Sparkle back ...
My childhood sweetheart ...
The love of my life ...
A love that transcends all else ...
 A love so pure.

He has brought the sparkle back ...
Am shining in its glow ...
Loving him with all my heart ...
All cares to wind that blows.

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