Sunday, August 3, 2014

I spotted him ...

Yesterday ... just another day ...
I saw him ...
Walking the footpaths of our common alley...
With his little one throwing a tantrum in his arms....
I saw him with a frowning brow...
Sadness in his eyes ...
A ritual perhaps ...
Chores he does ...
I felt a pang of pity ...
Enveloping my emotional mind ...
My heart skipped a beat ...
I wanted to turn my eyes away ...
I couldn't ...
My heart went out to him....
My eyes wept for him.
I tossed and turned in my bed last night ...
Feeling sad for him ...
No, I can't let emotions take over me ...
I have let go ...
I can't turn around...
He has become a stranger to me ...
I can't ...
There is nothing to go back to...
He has his miseries to deal with ...
I can't help him in that...
He has to fight his demons on his own ....
I could have  been his shadow ...
But, not anymore.

I saw him ...

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