Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Devil's Advocate & His Innocence ...

What binds me to him?
His Innocence.

He remembers still ...
Not knowing, I haven't forgotten either.

He laments my actions ...
Not knowing, they are just farce.

She still waits for the phone to ring in the night ...
To hear his soulful laughter ...
To hear him call her "Babyyy" ...
The cow in the background ...
The lady on the terrace ...
The innumerable calls on his other phone ...
Him telling his Mom...
I am home.

His drunken stupor ...
Remembering her ...
Sitting by the roadside tea stall ...
Talking to her for hours.

His Innocence is what she craves for ...
His boyish face in her eyes ...
The image shattering all myths ...
The Emperor of her Heart ...
The Devil's Advocate ...
Who swooped her off her feet ...
The one who was beside her ...
When she was really down and out ...
Lonely in surgical attire ...
He was there the whole night talking to her.

She never could walk away ...
She just hid behind a veil ...
She covered her emotions ...
Steeled herself ...
Knowing he was hurt....
She kept in the shadows ...
She tried ...
Level best to never visit him ...
But, matters of the heart...
She lost to her Heart,..
She lost the battle with the Devil's Advocate.

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