Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Others ...

Do they matter?
The others ...
She doesn't think so ...
What matters is the matter of his heart and hers ...
Why bother about what others have to say?
Why delve into nitty gritties of a leper society ?
Societal rules do not matter ...
Neither do people ...
For seldom have wagging tails been quiet ...
Silence is not the virtue of Gossip mongers.

The others ...
For them, why spoil your today ?
He says ... what if you were in my situation?
She has answer ..
I wouldn't be where you are ...
If you can't sustain a relation ...
Why begin it?
If you have fallen into the trap ...
Better play along ...
You can't play with someone's feelings ...
Walk away saying ...
I have responsibilities.
Where were these responsibilities ...
When you wooed her?
Now you remember your duties?
Where did the duty list disappear?
When you were courting her?
Don't wash your hands off her now ...
Not when she is already deep in love with you ...
Not when she is gasping for air ...
Not when she carries you in her thoughts day and night.

Had she been in his place ...
She would never give up on him ...
With conviction ...
She would own up her relation with him...
For she grew up ...
Never to back track ...
Never to give up ...
Never to step back...
She grew up defying stagnant rules of the others...
She grew up loving him.

The Others don't matter ...
They never did ..
It was always about Him and Her...
It was always about Them.

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