Thursday, August 7, 2014

She meets him in her dreams ... The Gentle Giant

The abominable Giant ...
The gentle Giant ...
The feared one ...
Only She could tackle him ...
She met him never ...
Yet  his Hearts strings ...
Were in her hands ...
She loved him none the less...
He loved her in return ...
They met when the World slept ...
They had heir share of fun ...
Talking for hours together ...
In their innocent love ...
Lay the key to their happiness.

What happened ...
They know not ...
But , One fine day ...
They lay separated ...
Languishing in the jail ...
Of their own meandering thoughts.

They suffered a fate unknown ...
Agony and pain ...
Replaced ecstasy...
They were lost ...
Yet in dreams ...
She makes it a point ...
To meet him each night ...
She hardly sleeps ...
But makes it a point to shut her eyes ...

Just to visit him.

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