Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The path lost ...

A silent sigh escapes ...
The damsels pursed lips ...
She turned ...
But, all she saw was ...
A barren land ...
All that is there is a dusty wasteland...\
Vanished in a blur of dust ...
Dry leaves ...
Twigs ...
Nothing but death personified.

She watches herself ...
Bleeding to death ...
She smiles and moves further ...
The River of Death ...
Gaping at her ...
Only water ...
The colour of Blood ...
She wades through ...
The raging current taking her away ...
She walks the path all alone ...
That the river paves for her ...
Bones marking the way ahead.

She is lost ...
The path of her life is lost ...
Lost along the way are her the ones dear to her.

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