Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Flaming moments ...

The moment of Truth ...
Your words ..
My words ...
My verses claiming us ...
The flames of desire consuming us ...
Yet intact in our own private hell.

Long nights, long conversations...
Sweet nothings ...
Bitter truth ....
You there ...
Me in my World ...
Both living ... yet dead ...
Oblivious Zombies of distance apart.

Each night like an Owl ...
Sitting on my Barn Grass I wait ..
For you to whisper ...
Of life together ....
Yet so distant ...
The Thoughts ...
That keep us together ...
So near the feelings of warmth.

In your eyes I would like to enter ...
Melt within ...
The arms outstretched ...
The wicked naughty smile ...
Beckoning the damsel forth.
Flaming moments ...
Melting desires ...
That is what this heartbreak ...
And, the aftermath is all about.

Flaming moments of melting bodies ...

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