Wednesday, January 22, 2014

On my way to Awesomeness ...

Well, well , well!
I am on my way to glory ...
A glory I seek ...
I seek to fulfill and make my own ...
On my way to Awesomeness ...
A greatness I feel ...
My friend, Philosopher, Guide ...
You filled my mind with a purpose...
My Partner...
You compliment me.

I am on my way to a place ...
Where I know ...
I shall glow ...
Bask in the Sunshine ...
Play with words ...
Reach the peak ...
You are making it possible for me ...
I am grateful to you...
For you bring the beast to light ...
You have controlled me with your words ...
You mean a hell of a lot to me ...
If you ever look intently ...
You shall see the light of love in my eyes ...
A love people seek all the time ...
But, I keep entrapped within ...
I shall never let you know ...
How much I love you ...
For I don't want to lose you ...
You mean a lot to me...
That is what matters...
Your presence ...
For when I work ...
I think of you ...
Whether you would approve of my actions ...
When I listen to music ...
It's you I think of all the time.

On my way to Awesomeness ...
Am glad you are by my side ...
But, of course ...
Oblivious of my feelings for you.

I Love you...
Is all I want to convey Now ...
You make me dream ...
You guide me to achieve ...
I set sail again ...
Under your watchful eyes ...
The bond becoming ...
Ever stronger with each passing moment.

I Love You.

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