Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Missing the Charisma that was ...

He was a thought ...
A paramour par excellence; ..
The dream shattered ...
The moment I heard his voice ...
The picture of a suave ...
Sophisticated Scientist ...
Vaporised in thin air ...
All that was left  was ...
A cowardly non committal wimp...
Missing the Charisma he was.

Sad, but true ...
Any dream further dashed to the ground ...
For, this is not what a man ought to be ...
A man , ought to be strong ...
Stand by his commitments ...
Stand by his word ...
Stand by the emotions he expresses...
Else, he is no man ...
He is just another Dickhead ...
One with no respect for truth ..
No dignity to display...
Missing the Charisma he was.

Today, he stands small in my eyes ...
Today, I don't respect him ...
Today, I realize ...
The man I loved is no more.

Missing the Charisma that was his ...
Missing him is all I can do ...
For the one that I see in his place ...
Isn't the one I would want to dream of.

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