Saturday, January 4, 2014

My Selfishness ...

Sometimes all I want Is A reset button.. Not because I want To change The past.. But because I wish I could Live It again.

Yes, I Love you ....
I want you all for Myself...
But, I know ...
The Twain shall never meet ...
Where is the harm in ...
So, My Darling ...
All I do is Dream ...
A dream about You and Me...
A dream about US.

I am Selfish ....
All I want is YOU ...
Not Diamonds ...
Not Fame ...
Just Your Name as mine ...
 My Name as Yours.

Read this Somewhere ...

"Whosoever's-name-can-bring-us-maximum-gain" at heart

Your Name gives me the gain ...
The momentum to live Life...

Profound words :

"The person is merely the result of a misunderstanding. In reality, there is no such thing."

So, My Belief ...
Term it as Selfishness ...
Is a staunch emphatic ...
Statement ...
That delivers the understanding ...

 In all my Selfishness ..
I truly Love you ...
I want to see you reaching Great Heights ...
I want to see me ...
Besides you ...
Achieving all your goals ...
Following all you Dreams ...
Who else will be fool ...
To Never believe ...
This Love Exists....
My Selfishness EXISTS.

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