Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Don't Read Me ...

Why do you read me?
You have moved on ...
Go on your way ...
Am doing just fine ...
Living life on my terms ...
You go ahead and live your life...
My life ain't on rent ...
Not for you to come and go ...
Either stay or ...
Just go away.

Don't try to fathom my state ...
Don't read me ...
I have survived worst ...
What do you care ....
Had you cared ...
I wouldn't be writing it all here.

Time has moved on ...
Just like that ..
You have moved on too ...
Don't look back ...
I am lost ...
Lost in the meandering meadows of my World...
Lost to you forever.

Don't read me ...
I am lost to you ...
I am not going to accept you back ...
All is lost.

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