Monday, February 15, 2010

Day1. Confessions of an Unjust Lady...

Holy cow! I can't believe that I have finally mustered the courage to start blogging. The entire idea is to confess to my sins from the moment I was conceived to date, and that too under various titles. So, dear reader be ready to be bombarded with a lot of nonsensical and maybe articulate diarrhoea of words from time to time from me.
Oops! There I go at it again. All about me , myself , unjust woman in this unjust world.
Lemme gather together my thoughts and start blogging and vent out my confessions which for all you may know are not known to many for that matter any. They say a woman's heart is an ocean , what lies in the fathoms of the ocean only she knows. So, let me unleash the treasures from within through my blog posts and try and make the world a bit better and justifiable to live in.
Signing off for now.