Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 6. Missed a Day...

Yes, missed a day of blogging in between because I was busy getting a job of my dreams. All those months of painstakingly and patiently waiting for my chance and time to come has paid off. I have my dream job, albeit the commutation to it is a huge task yet I will do it because this is what I always wanted to do, to be able to bring in a change in the field of Education.

I must confess, I hopped a lot of jobs just because I didn't believe in the ideologies of schools and their management which was always in conflict with their vision and mission statement. I used to feel claustrophobic in a hypocritical environment.

I hope with this new twist in my career I shall be happy and be able to put my point across and change the complete outlook towards Education beginning right from the formative years.
I hope I shall be able to train and bring a change in the teachers involved in the growing up years of teaching and learning.

There are so many dreams in my larger picture of a dream that I can fulfil given the right opportune moment. I do hope my time has come.

I want to change the entire concept of Education and bring about a change in the current trends in the Education system in India.

I want to be the change I want to see.

Wish me luck and bless me Lord, for I really want this to work for me , my kids and the world.

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