Monday, August 27, 2018

Why do you read her?

She's left the past behind...
Long ago ...
Why do you read her now?

There are no memories to share ...
Just nightmares that recur.

Why do you read her?
She's just a ghost from the past ...
Let her remain in vapour form...
She's just a wisp of days gone by ...
Bygone days should bring a smile on your lips ...
The tears are long dried.

Why do you read her Lamentations?
Those are her musings on a rainy day ...
The rains washed the streak lines along her cheeks, long ago.

Why, oh why?

They are just memories ...
Rewinding and replaying...
Images of a bygone era...
Nothing else ...
For nothing remains but our memories...
To torment us sometimes...
That's all, just memories...
Erased ...
Yet, traces remain.

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