Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The Storm of Madness...

It raged ...
It snuffed a life ...
The storm of madness ...
It raged.

Flames engulfed her ...
Tight in their embrace ...
She struggled...
She wriggled ...
Trying to break free...
The storm...
The storm of madness raged ...
It raged high and low...
It burnt her to the core...
The soul searching for solace ...
Searching for an answer...
To this day ...
No reply ...
What was her fault?

In the madness that came...
With the storm...
She was swept away...
Far far away from the maddening crowd...
Far away from the deafening noise...
She had to cull the noise within...
She slit what she thought was best ...
To release her for eternity...
From the Storm of madness...
A life was snuffed out.

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