Thursday, August 30, 2018

The Staircase ...

It has seen it all...
The Staircase ...
It surely has seen it all.

It's her Haven ...
Her all purpose emotional battering ground...
A twenty something steps ...
That see her descending them with aplomb...
A panache' , a style ...
And posing ...
While being clicked away ...
Or videographed each morning.

The Staircase her laughometer...
Her happiness calculator...
It has seen her happy , smiling, dancing ...
The Staircase has seen her sad too...
When heartbroken...
Her heavy leaden steps ...
Dragging herself up and down ...
A sadness and grief visible to all and sundry.

The Staircase has seen her at her best ...
The Staircase has seen her at her worst ...
The Staircase knows it all ...
Her only companion in the years known to her ...
It reads her ...
It feels her.

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