Sunday, August 5, 2018

She was ... Waiting for the footsteps that never came...

She was full of life ...
Smiling all the time...
Fun to be with...
He entered her life ...
Like a whiff of fresh air ...
And ,
Snuffed the life out of her...
He ravaged her mind and soul...
He raped her sensibilities...
He left her a vegetable...
To her own existence...
Just existence...
No life at all...
Just another dead body ...
In the trails of death ...
That follow his footsteps ...
One gone forever...
Another, a living dead ...
He killed her alive ...
Throttling her life ...
Leaving her on her own ...
He ensured there was none beside her ...
He murdered her in broad daylight...
Proclaiming himself a saint...
He was far from one ...
Actually, Devil's Advocate in disguise...
She was trapped ...
Ensnared by his false charms ...
Used by him...
And, left to die alone.
She was in love till her last breath...
Her eyes glued to the door...
Her ears attuned to his footsteps...
Footsteps that never came.

They found her ...
Eyes wide open...
A smile on her lips ...
Waiting ...
Waiting for the footsteps that never came.

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