Wednesday, August 8, 2018

The darkness engulfs her ...

She runs wildly ...
Arms flayling in space ...
Feet trying for a foothold ...
She's engulfed in darkness ...
A hot tub of emotions...
Imagination wild and distinct...
Cold and fierce ...
There's sadness all around ...
She has only herself to surround herself with...
She's lost ...
Wandering hopelessly here and there...
Wondering where she went wrong...
Whom did she harm.
She harms herself...
The pain brings some relief ...
But that ain't the antidote...
To the poison left within.
She cries silently ..
Wails within ...
A hollow holler at her self ...
How could she allow this to happen again?

The silence within , deafening...
A chill going up her spine ...
She looks at the sleeping pills ...
And knows best what to do.

She has to numb the feelings...
She has to shut the noise out ...
If not now ...
She might act weird ...
For sanity's sake. ..
She has to cull the insanity ...
The noise within.

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