Monday, November 3, 2014


Going through one,
One wishes not the same for another...
Trauma in any form ...
Not for the one ...
With whom one has ...
Spent memorable moments.

Moments to cherish forever ...
For they are a thing of past...
No more shall flowers bloom ...
In this forest of despair.
But,  pain not for the loved one ...
Never ever ,
Love forgives ,
Never hates.

The trauma that he feels ...
Becomes hers ...
She takes it all within her ...
His pain ...
His aches ...
Albeit this time ...
Without him beside her...
A decision she made ...
Hardening her heart ..
Murdering her feelings ...
She absorbs his pains ....
All alone ...
For even in her loneliness ...
She isn't alone ...
She carries him within her.

She will never stop loving him ...
But, she won't meet him again.
The trauma too overbearing ...
She drowns in spirits ...
Where she forgets the pain...
For a while ...
She is free again ...
Soaring high ...
For a while ...
The trauma gone.

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