Monday, November 3, 2014

A Contract for Life ...

It hurts, to know ...
To be aware ...
That people just assume things ...
They presume they know all ...
When in totality ...
They have been fed a separate picture ...
A concocted story ...
To save oneself  ...
One can fall so low ...
Sad ...
But that is what has come across.

Someones assumptions can really make or mar ...
What was once so pure ...
So genuine ...
All lost ...
In a blasphemous affair.

Where did the innocence vanish?
Where has the love gone?
Emotions vandalised ....
A painful experience ...
Is all that remains.
The sweetness of childhood ...
Replaced by bitter experiences of today.

Presuming   on your own ...
You make your decisions ...
To suit your convenience ...
Think of the one that left everything ...
And everyone for you ...
Just once you had to say ...
And, she left all ...
To be your SHADOW ...
All you did  in your pretentious existence ...
Was shun the one that waited all those years ...
Once again ....
Vacant eyes ...
Once again pain....
A contract for life.

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