Sunday, November 2, 2014

Her true love ... betrayed

One and only ...
The first time ...
When the strings of the heart had stirred...
Creating  a melody never heard ...
Her first love ...
Donald Duck!
For him ,
She left everything ...
She became his shadow ...
As he desired she did ...
Becoming one with him ...
She lost herself in him ...
Vaporising in his love ...
The passion melting her ...
She lost herself ...
Lost to herself ...
And to the rest ...
Like  a drop in the ocean ...
Never to be found again ...
Her entire identity at stake...
All at stake...
She tied herself to the stake ...
Burning in the pyre  ...
Reduced to ashes ...
The wind blowing the ashes all over ...
She touches his being ...
She is blessed.

Her one and true love ...
She destroys herself for him ...
She annihilates her existence ...
To smithreens lying bare ...
She looks skywards ...
Asking for divine justice...
The betrayal unfathomable ...
A fury raging in her eyes ...
Questioning ...
She burns at the stake ...
The fire lit by him.

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