Sunday, November 9, 2014

Thoughts of Him...

Avoiding any thohghts of him coming up in her mind, she boes about her dailychores  and wham ! All tha she does reminds her of him. Every moment relived over and over, all the time just him and her ... relapsing into retro mood ... sentiments overwhelmed.

She misses out on work, forgets everything... goes into a trance remembering moments spent with him.... they say, she has gone insane... she knows nothing of the World today, in her thoughts just him and on her lips a soft murmur of his name.

Forgetting him , can never be... he is in her every piece ... she his shadow ... lost in the big bad World.

Killing herself within ... she watches her ashes burn ... the funeral pyre once a heap of logs , now just ashes smouldering.
She grabs a fistful, warm ashes in her palm ... warm they never can be ... burns her palm through ... flying ash reminding her ... of fleeting moments in his arms... she stifles a cry , tears rolling down.

She walks about , round and round in circles ... his face everywhere, smiling smugly, those deep brooding eyes , hurting er ... she has to block it all out... she just has to ... how? And, she takes out another strip of sleeping  pills , to block him from her thoughts... drugs become her ... she becomes a zombie ... she walks away.

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