Thursday, November 27, 2014

The ire of a woman...

The wrath unleashed ...
A volley of swears...
Waves of anger...
Hitting your shores ...
Breaking every bit of your happiness...
The ire of a woman ...
Let loose on you.

Mind what you do ...
Accursed is your being ...
In her anger ...
The woman you used ...
The one who placed you on a pedestal ...
Shall unthrone you.

Your Kingdom shall be burnt to ashes ...
All your glory down the drain...
Beware the ire of a woman ....
Who once  loved you.
She shall never cease to love ...
But respect never will she ...
For you are a mere mortal being ...
With flaws, pains and aches.

She pities you ...
For your trifle flings ...
She lets loose the cuss words ...
For she knows you ain't nothing ...
But a tramp romping free.

The woman with the  crooked teeth...
How ugly is her heart...
That you need to find solace...
Elsewhere each day...
How evil is the lazy one ...
That you need to energize ...
Spend your libido here and there ...
For the mere lusty feel.

Shame on you and ...
Shame on her ...
The one with crooked teeth...
May you both burn in a living hell ...
Each day and each night.

The ire of a woman ...
A good woman ...
The curse shall take its course.

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