Friday, November 28, 2014

Tracing the steps ...

... Back in time ...
She traces her steps...
The path they took ...
The walk together ...
Along the footpaths ...
Of the place they share.

The street vendors ...
Still the same ...
The wares still the same...
That knowing smile ...
Remembering the monsoon walk ...
Umbrella in hand ...
A light drizzle ...
Sending a shiver up the spine...
Smiling at each other ...
The juice break ...
The small tiff ...
Over his possessiveness...
The walking away ...
The making up ...
Love unlimited...
Shamelessly wonderful...
Tracing the steps ...
Back in time...
She remembers him...
Knowing well...
He is thinking of her ...
This moment in his thoughts...
She can feel him ...
Feeling her...
Lost in thoughts ...
She loses herself ...
Tracing her steps ...
Back in time...
Loving him more.

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