Wednesday, November 26, 2014


The void ...
Left behind in a barren womb ...
Woes of a mother ...
Cries of the unborn ...
Shattering the night ...
Wails from unseen ones ...
An emptiness ...
A motber feels wiithin ...
Contractions of a barren womb.

Every corner of the place ....
Every inch speaks of him ...
The ghost from the past ...
That snatched her smile away.

She walks the corridors up and down ...
Ascending descending stairs ...
Searching for him in vain ...
Screams numbing her thoughts ...
Screeches of the unborn ...
Torn from within her ...
She closes her eyes to flashes ...
Of blood and gory death.

In her aloneness...
The emptiness surfaces ...
Taunting her each moment ...
She reaches for the numbing agent ...
Drugging herself to sleep...
Deep in knowledge ...
He is happily smiling elsewhere...
Having won this round ...
Her curse befalls him ...
He shall live in hell ...
Each day reminding him of his folly.

Her Emptiness shall become his Soon.

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