Saturday, June 25, 2011

Questions to which there are no answers...

Questions , questions, questions galore....
Questions to which there are no answers.
We go on cribbing and inquiring....
We go on in life all the time crying.

Wish I could find all the answers at the click of a button...
My keyboard clicking away ...
Searching answers...
To innumerable questions.

Questions that try to seek answers to the pointless existence of ours,
Queries that bog the human mind...
Questions, questions ever questioning....
When to stop questioning?

What a cluttered mind do I have....
What a  meager existence...
What a non entity have I become....
What is it that brings the house down?

A never ending stream of what ifs...
An ocean vast and deep......
The human mind steeped with emotions........
A solitary existence to the fore.

The deeper you go... The more meaning it attains...
Is there an end to this meaningless quest?
Or, is it just the beginning?
The beginning of a journey ....
Long left unexplored....
A journey to the deep fathoms of human mind...
A path unfolding the unknown.

Time and again , I have failed....
Time and again, I have had faith...
How long will this battle go on?
No one knows, the human mind..
The fights and arguments that ensue there....
Are felt by the heart hurting all over again.

Life comes up a big cropper,
Serves hurt on a platter,
When will this pain end?
When will life actually begin?

Questions to which there are no answers...
Questions which bring me down...
Questions plenty..
Answers none...
I walk alone again....
With questions to keep me company....
Seeking answers not seen around.

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