Sunday, February 3, 2013

Makeshift Belief ...

Like makeshift huts...
Makeshift beliefs are on shaky grounds ...
Ground reality jutting out ...
From the bamboo that holds ...
The beliefs together.

One storm ...
The Makeshift belief flounders ...
And is reduced to a non belief...
Leaving behind  naked man ...
Naked in the knowledge ....
Of his own False truth.

One Earthquake ...
The trembling shaking Earth ...
The ground beneath shifts ...
The make-believe thoughts ,,,
Of a weak man...
Lose their faith in him.

One Tornado ...
All spins around ...
The straws moving in circles ...
Spinning homes ..
Spinning heads ..
Turning your make-believe faith around.

Move on from your makeshift belief ...
Change your makeshift abode...
Catch the train of thought ...
Progress from your station ...
To the City beyond.

Become a person of true belief ...
Remove the shrug of Make believe ....
Shift the focus from your past ...
Makeshift belief to a firm belief.

The Keeper of her Soul ...

I am the mistress...
He is ...
The Keeper of my Soul.

A soul deprived of feelings ...
A soul devastated by life ...A soul on the move always ...
A never trusting soul...
He is the keeper of this soul.

In dark cold nights ...
Entwined in her miseries and dreams ...
She can feel him touch her soul ...
Yet a torturous match ...
The Keeper and Her Soul.

The gnarled thoughts of slavery ...
The Trojan Horse of today ...
This Helen is a captive ...
Of the Keeper of her Soul.

The concubine of the night ...
The songstress of yesteryear ...
The writer of her own story ...
She is the Keeper of her own Soul.

All mighty and powerful ...
As vicious as her emotions ...
As strong as her desires ....
He is the Keeper of her Soul.

A Life of Misery ...

It's a life of solitude ...
A life of lonely days and nights ...
It's a life of misery she leads ...
A make believe ... makeshift life ...
A life of lies ...
A life of flowery prose ...
Copious poetry ...
Yet, a very lonely life.
A bare existence ...
Living for no purpose at all...All her time and talent....
Wasted on lunatics from the other World.

She raves and rants ,,,
Chants and cries ...
Crocodile tears  for attention ...
She makes an utter fool of herself ...
She ends up being laughed at.

She knows not what they think of her ...
Speak ill of her nature ...
The make fun of her unskilled words...
Guffaw at her antics ...
A fool she truly is ...
Her ego high and mighty ...
In order to feed the demon within ...
She's sold her soul to the Evil.

A life of misery unfolding each day ....
Each night she retires a bit tired ...
For she is exhausted ....
Her addiction a big satire.

Her lies ....
Her blatant lies ...
Her soul ripped open ...
Her desires an invitation ...
Attract the loathsome flies to her ...
Her honey dipped yet cheap words ...
Like garbage from the dumps around.

She fumbles ...
She realizes ...
Yet she makes a fool of herself...
She is no woman to be respected ..,
But, a blotch in the name of one.

Sense doesn't prevail in her mind ...
An insane soul trapped within ...
She is but a fool ...
On a journey into her own ....
A World which is her downfall ...
Too late for her to snatch free ...
Her wretched hand covered in blood....
Muck and soot her destiny ...
A life of misery her story.

Commonsense not her forte'...
She leads her life in disharmony ....
A monotonous life of solitude ....
But no bliss in sight for her.

A life of Misery ...
A boring and tuneless sad song.

I Write ...

I write ...
Because I wanna write ...
I write not to please others ...
I write not to seek attention ...
I write to pour my heart out ...
I write for my satisfaction ...
I write for the sake of writing ...
I write to keep alive what's within me ...
I write to keep me alive.

The words that express...
The words that convey ....
The words of wisdom ...
The words of despair ...
The words that seethe with anger ...
The words that became Me ...
The words that shook his World ...
The words that shook the World ...
The words that describe Me ...
The words that open up wounds ...
The words of Love ...
The words of hope ...
The words of undying relentless kindness ...
I write those words everyday.

Statements ... Profound ones that too ...
That set me apart from the rest ...
Phrases that made His Story history ....
Writings that made me forget ...
Words billowing outta my keyboard ...
Tapping away at the keys ...
I churn out a dish so authentic ...
It makes them sit upright and ...
I sing paeans of my life ...
Ballads of my experiences ...
I become one with the letters ...
That join together to form the Words.

My excitement and despair ...
Evident in my words ...
When am no more ...
Shall my children get to read...
Long winding life ...
With twists and turns ...
A story to be told.

My words ... My story ...
A story of a little girl ...
And her journey from within...
Till the end of the affair ...
She had with Life all along.

I write ...
Till words fail me ...
I write ...
Till I am no more.

The day no words remain ...
I shall be consigned to my fate...
My final journey ...
To be laid to rest ...
In the bed of Sea.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Time to Refurbish ...

Just like Spring Cleaning ...
Just like breaking down the old structure ...
And, creating anew ...
Renovating ...
Refurbishing is the motto today ...
Change the old ...
Exchange it for the New.
A New me ...
Ruthless and to the point blunt ...
Sharp as a knife and ...
Having a cutting edge over others.
Non- trusting and really a really bad ...
Uncaring ; Business minded ...
Down to the core..... ME.

Time to change the curtains that allowed Sunshine in ...
Make them dark and super heavy ...
Time to change the upholstery...
Make it different ...
Change the furniture ...
Throw away the antiques and ....
Bring in the new age throwaways ...
An attitude change ...
Basic funda being ...
Use and Throw ...
Like Sanitary Pads.

Raised brows ...
Frowns ...
I care not ...
What the heck ...
It's my life ...
I live it on my terms.

Wanna walk alone Forever ...
AM better off ALONE than in company ...
AM better off walking away from what is termed a Crowd...
That's not my cup of tea ...
I brew my own cuppa ...
I have my own Tea Estate ...
I have my own paradise to turn to.

Time to Refurbish, Renovate ...
Replenish and move on....
To Greener pastures ...
God's own country ...
Or the Golden Desert ...
Or the Green Mountains of the North East ..
Or the Saffron fields up North.

Travel I must ...
To explore new frontiers ...
Travel I must ...
To see the World....
Travel I must ...
To Change it all.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

It was fun while it lasted ...

Precisely... Ummmm .... about Three hours ...
Just driving on the Western Express Highway ...
Doing nothing at all that would make anyone sit upright ...
Yet, sit straight they did ...
When they became aware of our so called nearness ...
Pure relation ...
Friendship; twisted ...
Three hours nonstop blabbering ...
You driving; me talking ...
No coffee no hot chocolate ...
No dinner as thought of ...
No hunger, no thirst ...
Just two new friends talking ...
Getting over past differences ...
And insecurities ...
Yet, in that innocence ...
Our society ...
Our orthodox ... narrow minded society ...
Our hypocritical society ...
Found food for negative thoughts...
Two new found friends had to separate ...
Just to appease the insecure minds and hearts ...
Same people who claim to be modern ...
Same people who claim to be fast forward ...
Were waylaid by thoughts unheard of.

It was fun while it lasted ...
Found and lost a friend within Twenty Hours ...
But the priceless memories ...
They will ; last till my last breath.

Thank you for being there ...
Thanks for the experience ...
It was beautiful and pure ...
A relation which many crave for ... seek ...
Yet very few experience...
It was fun while it lasted.


He said ...

He said TRUST ME ...
I blindly trusted him ...
Look what that trust has got me into ...
A sleazy match of verses ...
A sly infested Time Line ...
All I can do ...
In defence ...
Nothing much ...
A much ado about nothing ...
But yet , he achieved ...
What he had set out to gain ...
My trust ....
My words ...
Vanish into thin air...
No explanation given for this tragedy ...
A tragedy of errors ...
A tragic shearing of my head ...
A tragic baring of my soul ...
Lying Naked for all to see ...
An evil smile on your face ...
Making me Public Property ...
TRUST ME he said ...
I trusted and ...
Lo Behold! Shifting sand ...
Shifting between my fingers ....
None to hold on to...
Tears streaming ....
I still try to walk tall ...
Looking behind if he follows ...
No, a trust broken ...
Once again ...
A stoic silence to numb it all ...
Bearings lost ...
My ship tosses in the stormy sea ...
No land in sight ...
Just water water everywhere ,,,
But, not a drop to drink.

I opened up to him ...
He read the book of my life ...
And, flushed it down the drain....
The dawn that day ...
Brought an end to a laid back life...
Changed the course of everything ...
Imposing and overpowering ...
Overbearing to some extent ...
My life became an open book for all to read.

He said TRUST ME ...
And he threw me in front of the Wolves.

He said TRUST ME ...
And he threw me in a pit of venomous Snakes.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

VERMIN ... Described for you ...

Vermin pl n harmful animals; parasites etc. (Collins Dictionary)

That's the official meaning for a LAYMAN .... But I guess you ain't so Lay ... nor an easy Lay ... Nor a Laid back white collared person ....

You pry deep ... harmless or harmful .... I know not ... Your actions and sudden interest in the word Vermin ... makes me frown and think .... Why this interest?

It may be a harmless inquiry or a deliberate attempt to make me commit HARAKIRI .....another word you wanted explained .... Hmmmm, makes me wonder; everytime I write something... do I need to explain every word used to anyone showing an interest in particular words?

Do you question Shakespeare or Hemingway? Do you inquire of Robert Frost, what he meant when he said he had 'Miles to go' ... Nah!

Well! Are you aware of Japanese culture? Harakiri is a word from the Japanese language meaning Suicide....
Honour suicide ... In shame...

It's something like going in search of King Solomon's mines for the promised Gold hidden there .... meeting Vermins in the jungles of Africa and the vermin infested mines ... So many committed the Harakiri of going in search for it ... never coming back ... lost and never found ...

Do not get lost in my words ... Move on ...