Friday, February 1, 2013

Time to Refurbish ...

Just like Spring Cleaning ...
Just like breaking down the old structure ...
And, creating anew ...
Renovating ...
Refurbishing is the motto today ...
Change the old ...
Exchange it for the New.
A New me ...
Ruthless and to the point blunt ...
Sharp as a knife and ...
Having a cutting edge over others.
Non- trusting and really a really bad ...
Uncaring ; Business minded ...
Down to the core..... ME.

Time to change the curtains that allowed Sunshine in ...
Make them dark and super heavy ...
Time to change the upholstery...
Make it different ...
Change the furniture ...
Throw away the antiques and ....
Bring in the new age throwaways ...
An attitude change ...
Basic funda being ...
Use and Throw ...
Like Sanitary Pads.

Raised brows ...
Frowns ...
I care not ...
What the heck ...
It's my life ...
I live it on my terms.

Wanna walk alone Forever ...
AM better off ALONE than in company ...
AM better off walking away from what is termed a Crowd...
That's not my cup of tea ...
I brew my own cuppa ...
I have my own Tea Estate ...
I have my own paradise to turn to.

Time to Refurbish, Renovate ...
Replenish and move on....
To Greener pastures ...
God's own country ...
Or the Golden Desert ...
Or the Green Mountains of the North East ..
Or the Saffron fields up North.

Travel I must ...
To explore new frontiers ...
Travel I must ...
To see the World....
Travel I must ...
To Change it all.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

It was fun while it lasted ...

Precisely... Ummmm .... about Three hours ...
Just driving on the Western Express Highway ...
Doing nothing at all that would make anyone sit upright ...
Yet, sit straight they did ...
When they became aware of our so called nearness ...
Pure relation ...
Friendship; twisted ...
Three hours nonstop blabbering ...
You driving; me talking ...
No coffee no hot chocolate ...
No dinner as thought of ...
No hunger, no thirst ...
Just two new friends talking ...
Getting over past differences ...
And insecurities ...
Yet, in that innocence ...
Our society ...
Our orthodox ... narrow minded society ...
Our hypocritical society ...
Found food for negative thoughts...
Two new found friends had to separate ...
Just to appease the insecure minds and hearts ...
Same people who claim to be modern ...
Same people who claim to be fast forward ...
Were waylaid by thoughts unheard of.

It was fun while it lasted ...
Found and lost a friend within Twenty Hours ...
But the priceless memories ...
They will ; last till my last breath.

Thank you for being there ...
Thanks for the experience ...
It was beautiful and pure ...
A relation which many crave for ... seek ...
Yet very few experience...
It was fun while it lasted.


He said ...

He said TRUST ME ...
I blindly trusted him ...
Look what that trust has got me into ...
A sleazy match of verses ...
A sly infested Time Line ...
All I can do ...
In defence ...
Nothing much ...
A much ado about nothing ...
But yet , he achieved ...
What he had set out to gain ...
My trust ....
My words ...
Vanish into thin air...
No explanation given for this tragedy ...
A tragedy of errors ...
A tragic shearing of my head ...
A tragic baring of my soul ...
Lying Naked for all to see ...
An evil smile on your face ...
Making me Public Property ...
TRUST ME he said ...
I trusted and ...
Lo Behold! Shifting sand ...
Shifting between my fingers ....
None to hold on to...
Tears streaming ....
I still try to walk tall ...
Looking behind if he follows ...
No, a trust broken ...
Once again ...
A stoic silence to numb it all ...
Bearings lost ...
My ship tosses in the stormy sea ...
No land in sight ...
Just water water everywhere ,,,
But, not a drop to drink.

I opened up to him ...
He read the book of my life ...
And, flushed it down the drain....
The dawn that day ...
Brought an end to a laid back life...
Changed the course of everything ...
Imposing and overpowering ...
Overbearing to some extent ...
My life became an open book for all to read.

He said TRUST ME ...
And he threw me in front of the Wolves.

He said TRUST ME ...
And he threw me in a pit of venomous Snakes.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

VERMIN ... Described for you ...

Vermin pl n harmful animals; parasites etc. (Collins Dictionary)

That's the official meaning for a LAYMAN .... But I guess you ain't so Lay ... nor an easy Lay ... Nor a Laid back white collared person ....

You pry deep ... harmless or harmful .... I know not ... Your actions and sudden interest in the word Vermin ... makes me frown and think .... Why this interest?

It may be a harmless inquiry or a deliberate attempt to make me commit HARAKIRI .....another word you wanted explained .... Hmmmm, makes me wonder; everytime I write something... do I need to explain every word used to anyone showing an interest in particular words?

Do you question Shakespeare or Hemingway? Do you inquire of Robert Frost, what he meant when he said he had 'Miles to go' ... Nah!

Well! Are you aware of Japanese culture? Harakiri is a word from the Japanese language meaning Suicide....
Honour suicide ... In shame...

It's something like going in search of King Solomon's mines for the promised Gold hidden there .... meeting Vermins in the jungles of Africa and the vermin infested mines ... So many committed the Harakiri of going in search for it ... never coming back ... lost and never found ...

Do not get lost in my words ... Move on ...

She is but a minion ...

Minuscule... Minute particle .....
Minion of the society ...
Not of my kind or type ...
I abhor any mention of her ....
I am aghast at her stoniness...
Appalled at her meanness ....
Absolutely against ...
Any kind of interaction with her.

Apparently little .... very small ...
Small in my eyes and...
That of the World ...
Does it matter?
Your existence ... is non existent ...
What is it that sets you apart ?
Nothing ... You are a nobody ...
You shall die as one ...
With no honour ... nor valor to speak of ...
Despicable actions ...
The World loathes you ...
Lechers desire your cleavage ...
Nothing else ...
Vermin, rodent ...
Your mortal being has no soul ...
You are but despondent.

Minion on the holy Earth ...
A shame in the name of Womanhood...
Motherhood ...
Sisterhood ...
You deserve no mercy in words too.

When you feel used ...

Yeah! This one's for you ...

When you feel that someone has used you for his/her ulterior purposes, shut up and move on. there's no use crying over spilled milk. People have this habit of gaining your trust and then screwing you up completely. So, Just forget them, mentally kick them in the butt and move on.

You are used again and again, used and abused, yet you give them another chance to use and abuse you ... Why?

Move on Gal, they are no more than the vermins that they are, not worth a dekko even; you are much more than them.... Just move on.

Look at the way they make fun of you; sniggering at the nonsensical stuff you copy paste or utter... sad you don't see beyond their imperfections, the emptiness of their words.... look beyond and yonder.

sad to see you wasted ... a wastrel indeed.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Your blatant lies ...

Your lies... blatant ...
Farcical lies ...
Have no more takers Dear ...
It's time to do a rethinking ...
Time to mend your ways.

You have ruined many lives ...
Many hearts broken ...
Men, women alike ...
All that dislike and loathe ...
Must find an opening somewhere...
A well to drown your sorrows ...
A black hole for your self inflicted wounds.

Your lies ...
Your blatant lies ...
Your undoing ...
You have dug your own grave...
Coffin you must make ...
Of your own choice now...
You deserve no pity ...
You vermin from the gutter.

The worms wriggling on your skin...
The bosom heavy with pain ...
The giblets spilling out ...
Pus oozing within ...
That's the state you are in ...
That's the state you brought yourself to ...
Rot here and rot in hell ...
For Heaven has no space for you.

Your lies...
Your blatant lies ...
Have opened the gates of raging hell ...
That's where you belong ...
Not earth nor heaven  for you.

Every Creation has an End ...

What you started ... You must end ...
I shall not end it ...
I shall fan the aches ...
The pain you inflicted upon me ...
A rage that shall bring forth your end.

You started it ... You end it...
Else you burn in the same fire ...
You started for me ...
Mend your devilish ways ...
Cleanse your soul of wants ...
Your sinful desires ...
That ruined countless lives.

I shall watch from far ...
I shall snigger and smile ...
I shall revel in delight ...
Seeing you in pain.
You started it ...
You shall end it...
Else you suffer endlessly ...
Till the end of your days.

Every creation has an end ...
You end what you created ...
A monster for yourself...
A monster out of yourself.