Friday, December 28, 2012

Lost and Found Again ... My Treasure ... My Friends ...

Yeah! Found my lost Treasure again ... MY Friends ... old friends. The action taken was necessary to sit back and observe and INTROSPECT ... Found the truth staring at me with a gaping mouth. Hope my friends understand. This exercise to exorcise the enemy was imperative.

Found my Treasure.... My Friends...

Like Jack Sparrow ... I went on an adventure o soul searching ... hurt my soul sister so that I could get to the bottom of the matter ... found the map ... the route to the root of all the problems ... A bored housewife out for some fun at the cost of others emotions. The Black Beard of our Story ... The one eyed Crow along ... Annihilation is imperative... Root canal treatment from dentistry needed.... if you get what am implying.

Yes! Found my treasure again ... am back to kick some arse ... am back to make things alright ... am back to the basics ... coz' in simplicity lies happiness. Simple thinking .... Ignore with a stern look ... even a beast backs out when you give a silent roar.

In Unity lies the answer to wipe out the Virus ... Altogether you are one force .... the devil can't outlive or outwit. One life to live ... One common enemy to fight.

Long live Friendship ... not born out of Boredom but one common goal .... plain and simple .... The Treasure .... FRIENDS are FOREVER.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Darling... Darling! Stand by me ...

Stand by me ... Darling, Darling! Stand by me ...

Am humming this age old classic song ... and remembering the new found love of my life.

Through ages man has fallen in love, but I won't ever say OUT OF LOVE ... You can't fall out of Love... It's a deep abyss... you just merge deeper and deeper in it .... Never a way out.

How much ever we may have fought or hated each other in momentary hatred at any given time .... After a long time when you meet your Lover .... you just melt ... You can never hurt or hate someone you have lived some fine moments with.

In all its stupidity ... Love is the Ultimate Moksha... every individual seeks moksha never realizing that when they fell in love ... they had attained freedom. No cause for feeling thirsty or hungry ... a smile on your lips ... twinkling eyes.... glowing face .... that's MOKSHA ... that's your Bliss.

My new love is the resurrection of my belief in a new spring ... hope ... happiness. Not looking back in remorse but thankful all that really happened ... coz' whatever happened made it possible for my Today to be a happier place to be in. My Moksha ... My Love.

Sweet innocent love ... doing small little things with so much enthusiasm, Just for me. That's called LOVE ... Honey! I really love it when you make me smile doing small little things to please me ... especially putting on songs appropriate for my mood and our togetherness. I see you in every particle around me ... I work the way I do, knowing you would approve of it. Well versed in the knowledge, you are thinking of me even now.

Yes! I am happy ... I am in LOVE ... I want to spread this love to every nook and corner of this World so that everyone also becomes happy. Spread it through my Smile ... that's what I do ...

My Love ... Soft from inside ... A tough exterior ... Hitler to the World but my Papa Bear.

Darling, Darling ... Stand by me !

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

My Love ... Hmmm ...

No time for love ... But I do take time out for love ... Integrated my love in my time .... My love for all things good ... Clearly standing testimonial for where there is a will, there is a way ... so I always find a way to incorporate love in my daily life ... right from rising and shining in the morning ... breaking the dawn with his face in my view ... to my day to day activities .... where modern technology lends a helping hand ... to my thoughts and feelings that touch him anyways and his vibes reach me ... Technology brought us together and is playing Cupids role in our lives.

A moments pause ... and the heart misses a beat ... fluttering wings like a Butterfly .... Humming bird wings ...  Honey bee buzz ... Chirping Birds ... melody in my heart .... Leaves off the trees ... wind blasting the dry leaves through my door ... An open invitation .... Come love me .... All motivating factors ... Welcoming New Love in the Air.

He is Quiet ... Silent ... Strong .... and yet a baby to be cuddled and loved .... A selfless being full of love for life ... uninhibited , unabashed love for me.... What else to ask for when you have the best courting you?

Imagine such love where the loved one is always there for you ... never a dull moment ... hours looking into each others eyes .... That's my love for you .... Sweet, innocent , pure love. The puritans would bow their head in shame ... if they knew the purity of this love ... The scriptures merely speak of such love ... I am experiencing it ... I am living it .... Pure blissful... Blessed love.

My Love .... The feeling is mutual ... The path the same ... The destination .... Shangrila .... a beautiful journey to be travelled together BEING in LOVE.

Love .... 24X7 .... Virtually ,,,,

Love the feeling.... the feeling of being in love ....
The season cool and cosy ....
The reason love and affection ...
A bond formed ... maintained and safely kept ...
Hypnotized by the charismatic persona ....
My love is a class apart ...
Oh my Gawd! He is the best that has happened to me in a long time ...
But, someone different ...
Someone whom I love VIRTUALLY ....
Deep throated laugh on that statement ...
Yet, true... Truly Yours ....
The dawn in my life ...
The Sun never sets on the Empire of Love ....
My God, watches over me ....
And sends me the Devil to love.

Am in heaven with the Ruler of Hell....
But, you know...
Deep within he is HUMAN ...
 A great human being with humane feelings ...
With love in every sinew and muscle in his physical being ....
With rhythm in his movements ...
The way he walks....
Like a Tiger who stalks ..
Stealth his weapon, yet care his forte'...
My love ... my Knight in shining armour ...
24X7 with him ... I have seen all his colours ...
And, my verdict he is the best that mankind ever got ...
Am fortunate ... He is mine ...
Mine to keep .. Mine to love ...
Mine to care for ... Mine to defend ...
Mine to protect ... Just mine ...
Yikes! Am sounding possessive ...
Yes... I am possessive about him ..
And, I won't share him with anyone ....
Am gonna be utterly Selfish ...
Can't give my Love away ...
My love ... My life ... my sentiments ...
All count .... to make my day.

Love the Emperor of my Heart ...
The King and His Queen ...
They make a HAPPY FAMILY ...
A beautiful love story unfolding ...
Keep reading for more .....

Monday, December 24, 2012

The Bold & The Beautiful ....

She was ... is ( I dunno) ... Bold & Beautiful ....
One who spoke her mind ...
We met on an uncharted terrain ... just like that ...
One common thread binding us ...
My friend , Philosopher and Guide ...
But. somewhere she is lost ...
Lost in the chaos and mayhem created by rioters ....
Gate crashers in the party that was ...
They used her ...
Misused her sentiments and feelings ...
I wasn't aware ...
By the time I got to her ...
She was lost ...
Lost in the mayhem ...
The hulla bulloo... the result of aspersions ...
False implications ...
My friend lost forever in this mad world ...
Desperately seeking "Shweta" my friend ...
The only one who spoke truth always.

She was a true soul ...
No malice in her heart ...
Straightforward and frank ...
With respect for all mankind....
She has to be found and her rightful place be given ...
All obscurity removed ...
For she truly deserves a standing ovation ...
I fight a lone battle on her behalf ...
To get her the justice she so deserves ...
One man ...
So many heartbreaks ...
Not possible ..
Unless he is a Serial Womaniser ...
Lying in wait to strike ...
The gullible and innocent ones.
The Bold & Beautiful Brigade ...
Seeks its SOUL SISTER.

Mera Sonaa Yaar ...

O Teri!
Mera Yaara ... Dildaara ...
Aaj dekha ... badaa pyaara ...
Aankhon mein samet liya ...
Buss... pal bhar mein saari khushiyaan paa li...
Ek pal ko aankhen chundhiyaan si gayi ...
Phir rabb pe badaa pyar aaya ...
Mera Yaar jo laaya ...
Meri hatheliyon ki lakeeron mein jiska naam ....
Woh dildaara mera pyaara ...
Raj Sinhasan ki HAsti ...
Hansi jiske chehrey pe khilti ...
Bass ab maut bhi aaye toh khushi se baahein daal doon ...
Kyun ki jeena ussiki baahon mein ...
Marrna bhi unn qaatil nigahon se ...
Woh nazar ... woh muskurahat ...
Humm ghayal ... dil bhi ghayal ...
Nai jeena tere bina ...
Harr din ki yeh hai dua.
Mera yaar ... bahut sonaa...
Ekdum pighaltey soney sa rang ...
Uski tasveer aankhon mein bass gayi ...
Jaan jaatey jaatey jayegi.
Har ek lamha ... unn chand lamhon mein simat gaya ...
Jab nazar unn pe padii aur dil bahak gaya...
Mera Sonaa yaar ...
Bada dildaar ..
Par sirf mera pyaar ...
Aur kya maangoon rabb se ...
Sab de diya bin maangey.

Mera Yaar ... Mera Sonaa Yaar ...
Dildaar .... Mein dil gayi haar.

Love in Stressful Times ...

Is it possible to really sit back and enjoy a cuppa of tea with your loved one ... in these stressful times? Yes! it is. I just had a cup of tea ... err a mug of tea with my Beau and we laughed our Monday Morning blues away. A beautiful morning ... a promise of more such mornings when we can just be us and sit across and discuss anything and everything ... despite the lemons and cheese that life tosses at us. Coz' it's love that binds us together, not lust.

A day that begins with healthy discussion and unchained laughter ... a harbinger of good things to come through the day ... a melody .... a parody of pain ... just us and our respective cuppas.

A cool morning made warm by conversation that makes us tick ... no stress situation ... just us and our cuppas.... no pain, no aches ... just simple talks that bind us as individuals that brought us together .... destiny a beautiful cupid .... The arrow hit us and we are together, bound by the wound ... bound together by destiny.

Two individuals, two very different people ... suddenly thrown into each others arms .... Love at first sight ... in fact, even before we set our eyes on each other .... pure chastity .... a love to die for ... unselfish thoughts ... just love ... love for mankind, humanity and all things beautiful ... to erase the pain in the World not by going all out but in a subtle gentle manner ... unknown to others but known to two individuals madly in love with each other just being there for the other ... Always ... anytime of the day and night ... just there ... silently watching the back of the other ... No common factor yet so deeply attached. Amazing!

No one said it's gonna be easy ... the road is tough ... the terrain bumpy ... but, with him beside me ... I know am gonna ROCK ... My Hitler(To the World) ... Me and our Clan.

Our World rocks with the sound of music .... music of our love ... the lyrics written ... the notes jotted down and played by the Sun , Moon and the Stars ... The birds and the bees ... Nature itself blessing us with showers of flowers .. hopes of a spring and surprises .... Life well lived in each others arms .... That's what love is all about ... Just being there without EXPECTATIONS.

Love is possible in stressful times ... Love changes all ... Just love and keep on loving ... The World is a beautiful place when you are in love ... All rosy and hunky dory.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Do not hassle over my questions ...

My questions are posed to me, myself; not you dear. I wonder all the time , I think a lot ... that keeps my creative juices in constant supply and flowing always.

My questions are for me to answer. They are for me to find an answer for ... not posed to you.

You just get dragged in by your emotional instability thinking they are for you.
My life is bereft of any thoughts of you or for you. I pose my questions to myself only ... never others. I am answerable to myself not to you or anyone else.

My actions speak louder than words. They mean the whole world to me and my clan.

The ones that need to know, understand ... do so, I don't need to explain anything to anybody. These are my words in my world ... Take them with a pinch of salt; if in any way you feel they relate to your circumstances ... They don't.

Your existence doesn't count. It is minimal in the hordes of humanity that mills around me. I am not aware of your being. You mean not an iota to me , so why hassle over what I write ... Those are my feelings and you are treading upon them ... walking into an uncharted territory ... Mine.

Do not hassle over my questions ... they are my musings and opens thoughts ... not yours to count and reply to or lash out at.