Monday, December 17, 2012

The Power of the written word ...

Yes, I have it in me .... I have it with me ... The absolute power of the written and the spoken word . Not many can boast of this exclusive quality ... which very few really imbibe in their lives.

Words from the Queens English to words from the Ghettos ....  If you have the knowledge ... You can unleash a thousand devils upon your insolent stalkers. You can throw open the gates of hell upon the imbeciles ... you can launch a million ships to vanquish the devil within; the beasts and bitches residing in the world.

Words that don't kill yet give a zillion moments of death to your tormentors.... Those are powers I am referring to.... Words that can rip apart the clothes from a persons torso and yet be enough to cover the soul in the coffin ... I am the wordsmith and I mince not my words ... I spew venom when threatened and I spit fire upon the down trodden termites of the holy land.

Rightly said ... Well read people are less likely to be evil .... but rightly experienced too .. well read people can unleash the power of heaven and hell upon Earth  with the words that they keep locked within.

Words can make your life ... words can break your life .. all you need to do is keep in check what you give out .... what needs to be told and what to be kept a secret forever... your certificate ... your bond to free life.

Hassle not over what I write ... worry about your actions .. for action speaks louder than words ..lest I act upon my words ... where will thou hide ... where will you seek redemption? I am but a human with all emotions intact and the power to react to situations. So, avoid any altercation with me, lest I crumble you under my feet ... a dust that would be blown away by wind ,... a VINE with juice mingled with refuse of the Earth.

My words aren't mere words ... they are an announcement to the world ... Here I come ... with the power known to few.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Bad Taste ... Bad tune ... Equally Bad Music ....

Some people have real bad taste in the kind of people they mingle with ... The kind of music they vouch for or the kind of tune they sing in or hum about.

Bad Taste... Bad Tune and Equally Bad Music.

Volumes can be written about such people... generally , women. Bored housewives looking for some excitement and adventure in the absence of their spouses ... using men like sanitary pads and disposing of them in the garbage bins. Seen the likes of them lately increasing on social networking sites and Men will be men .. falling prey to the damsels who pour their hearts out and the men just leave their own wives at home and reach out to these Bitches  for momentary pleasures of the third kind.

Pleasures of the Third Kind. Yeah! Pleasures sought via social networking sites and the latest applications on gadgets of today. Using their own hands to satisfy themselves while the women feign moaning and watch them make a fool of themselves. Mockery out of relationships ... that's what these people are doing to their families.

Real bad taste... leaves you making a grimacing face and a bitter aftertaste in your tongue ... Yewww!

Copy pasting rotten and horrible poems and couplets to showcase their desires and yearnings these men and women think they are being smart. Bad ass smart that's all that they can really be. Never original always copies and really fake imitations of real passion and love. they have made love seem like a prehistoric nearly extinct feeling from the past and nothing of today.

It makes me anxious and apprehensive to even think of these people out their loose in the net world ... making life seem a parody of sorts ....a satire to write about. I am no expert on feelings .. But, neither am I a novice. I ain't no God to give summons ... am no preacher but, am human with feelings ... true feelings and it really pains me to see people waste their talent and life in nefarious activities ...losing great moments to trivial pursuits.

Bad taste... Bad tune ... Equally bad music ... worse verses ...horrible sense of timing .... real PJs... senseless drama and soaps online.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

YRH ...

I am the Princess of his dreams ...
The Queen of all his thoughts ..
I am the Royal Highness he thinks ...
YRH  ... Your Royal Highness.

Sitting upon my Royal Throne ...
My Chair of authority ...
I control the City ...
The city of Dreams.

My King ...
I am your Queen ...
Princess I am to the World ...
You are my World and ...Nothing more ...
I desire in this Life.
Life is a whirlwind affair ...
An affair to remember ...
They say all is fair ...
In Love and War.

I have loved in the past ...
As I love today ...
Wholly, immensely, truly ....
To the core.
The Swan Song as I term it ...
The dance that we dance ...
We are the World of each other ....
Today a surreal reality ...
Tomorrow a distant dream ...
Yet a dream no matter what ...
To make come true soon ...
But, not at the cost of tears ...
Not with pain to our dears.

If not this life ...
The afterlife is ours to share ...
To dance into the twilight zone ...
The dawn to dusk melody playing on.

Life as it comes and goes ...
As it cons us ....
We play our parts well ...
Smiling for the rest ...
Deep ache within.

You are and shall always be ...
Close to my bleeding heart ...
For I am radiant coz' of you ...
I glow with your love.
I bask in the love you share ...
I glorify the word ...
I am you ... You are me ...
Nothing can divide that.

An ice maiden vouches for you ...
For you melted her heart ...
Soothsayer or lover ...
You are one with her....
On her journey deep within ...
Realms unknown to her.

YRH ... Is yours to keep ...
Hidden ... Tucked away in the core of your Heart.

My musings on HATRED ...

Well! Hatred gets the worst out in you and I believe the best out of you.

My musings on Hatred are based on my personal experience of loving and hating people and at times situations and circumstances. Our circumstances make us or break us. They give us experiences and our reaction to the situation we are faced with.

Hatred as per my norms is my reaction to what I am dealing with and who it is that I am facing. My adversary decides my action and reaction. The route to take and the stand I take on any issue. If my personal space is encroached upon, I go ballistic and go all out of my way to fiercely protect my territory and   my space. Someone asked me lately, what's your territory? Well, I answered with my actions; as actions speak louder than words. Don't mess with me is the look I give to my adversaries. It's not hatred as people would love to put the words in my mouth ... It is a territorial look ... Every animal, bird... organism does it ... I am but human.

My Hatred so far has brought the best out of me. Be it witty humor or sarcastic remarks ... It's all there for the third person to see and read between the lines. Break the morale of the enemy .. let them live, with you in constant view ... happy while they languish in their own penury.

Hatred is a state of extreme distrust and anger over something that you can't control. Control your emotions and you have won the World ... release the anger and you are labelled. Who cares? I don't ... I have every right to RIGHT the wrong done to me ... I have every right to stand up and proclaim ... YES! I was used and this is payback time. I have every right to question my tormentor ... WHY?  I have every right to my RIGHT on the relationship that was and couldn't be coz' someone was weak and incapable of carrying the same on his/ her shoulders... shoulders that seemed strong ... but gave way under pressure.... the lies ... the despicable lies that turned my World upside down..... I have every right to judge their characters form a different angle now and make my own inferences based on the character.... Not character assassination but character evaluation. I have every right to my musings and the words that I spit out ... spew out in hatred as some might put it.

I have every right to my musings on Hatred ... On people ... On situations ... on circumstances ... Don't circumcise my statements ... Read them but keep your views to yourself .... am not game to give an explanation for what I do or say ... They are my thoughts ... I fiercely and overly protect them.

So, go on living your bare existence .... I thrive in my World ... My World ... My space ... My Territory as I rightly put it to you.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Everything is over ...

Everything is over ... Why wait for the end of the World ... Nothing to salvage any more ... A beautiful friendship ... Gone down the drain ... two people who could have been the best of buddies ... separated by aspersions and lies.

Everything scattered on the floor ... which piece to pick? Where to start from/ Which part of the puzzle to solve?

A dilemma ... no pain .... no heartbreak ... just questions to answer... seeking answers ... but no solution in sight.

So many people with so much pain ... so many problems ... so much weighing them down... How do I help them recover? recover, their lost spirits... Recover their self esteem ... Recover from the trauma of deceit.

The end of earth hasn't come yet ... Yet, I feel everything is over .... families breaking up.... friends despising each other ... no moral values ... just selfish reasons to bond and make merry at the others expense.

Mayhem and chaos all around ... People out to grab each others neck ... no semblance here... Just destruction and damaged egos... Bruised souls... Psychos all of them.

Be aware lass ... for this is gonna pass ... nothing lasts forever ... momentary happiness ... nothing left once the volcano spews lava.

Enjoy your newfound happiness ... Till Everything is OVER.

Monday, December 10, 2012

A Different Entity ..

An entirely different ball game ... A real life situation ... So much at stake ... Yet we carry forth our Trivial Pursuits .. Why?

Coz' we are a different entity altogether.

There is nothing that stops us from expressing our feelings and emotions ... yet we hold them back for the loved ones ... We are a different entity altogether ... Not one of the masses to be upheld.... to be devoured by their piercing gaze .... to be laughed and scorned upon for our bold decisions. Decisions that shape our lives and destinies.... we are not to be taken so lightly ... we are human .. we are capable of expressions .... we are capable humans of a different caliber .. not one of the masses to be trampled and tread upon ... we are a class apart ... let's not mix in the crass here. We are a different entity ... absolutely different.

What we share can't be shared with anyone. We have our shares of trials and tribulations ... don't turn them into disasters. The moments spent in each others company; cherish them .... they shall keep you company when I am gone .... They shall remind you of time well spent in some presence with a different entity altogether ... someone special ... not another scrap from a junkyard.

When I write, I pour my heart's feelings out, don't take it so lightly ... It's situational ... depending from time to time on the situation we are in ... It is basically venting out the anger deep within for the atrocities of the crime done against us ..our feelings and it is our final justification for all that has occurred in our one single delusional life. A juxtaposition of random thoughts brought together by our togetherness and our distance.

What I share with you is something special ... None can match that bond ... What I write here is to seal that bond forever ... a dialogue ... a monologue actually or the rantings of a heart either in love or out of it. A different entity altogether.

Different ad unique is this bond ... let's not play with our relation ... keep it plain and simple .. Be there for each other always ... A different take .. for different entities entwined in the same catastrophic blunderous relationship ... Called ... LOVE.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Mirage ...

I am a Mirage ... Realize it ... a bird of Paradise beyond your reach ... Makes it easier to break free from the shackles of a love not to be.

I am a Mirage ... Feel it ... But follow it not ... There's nothing to lay hands on .... Better leave it alone.

I am a Mirage ... Sense it ... Better ignore it .... Only heartbreak there, nothing else.

Am a Deer in the desert of life ... Don't be the hunter .... It's not a role carved out for you.... You have other things to do ... Your responsibilities ... Am not one of them.

A Mrigtrishna ... so apt for a being that comes into your view in your scanner, but so far that you cannot reach it. Reach for the Stars; They are real ... I am  a  Mirage .... Just a deceit of your eyes.

A Mirage ain't no reality ... leave it .... Pursue it no further ... There's only pain and lamentation here .... Aches not known to the heart that you possess.

I can never be yours nor can you ever be mine ... so why carry this further? Turn back while you can ... Before it is too late.... and all is lost coz' of this passion we nurture in our hearts for each other .. Turn back my Beau .... Before this fire consumes us ... Let the Mirage vaporize just the way it cropped up out of nowhere.... Do it before it is too late Dear.

I am a MIRAGE ... REALIZE it!

Insecurities ...

Insecurities ... felt by people who aren't sure of what they are doing or where they are going or unsure about themselves and their own feelings ... let alone the others.

We all go through phases of insecurities. Be it our "Jobs" as we term it ... Be it the career we have chosen ... Be it our relations ... or just plain and simple ... Our Life.

Being Human is what brings on these insecurities and apprehensions and anxiousness ... Have you ever seen an animal feel insecure in it's natural state?

We were made, moulded, crafted and engineered to feel insecure ... that is why we have weapons of destruction and our history is marred with wars. The creator gave us brains ... which makes us think ... think good or bad ... and one thing leads to another and we ned up in a jumbled up mess... a life created by us .... a path we paved .... we tread upon.

Unsure of what lies ahead, we pack a whole lot into our baggage of Life .... some needed, some not needed ... junk ... a lot of junk, yet we can't get ourselves to rid of this junk and end up playing with our emotions and that of others ... for we are all basically egocentric and selfish and insecure ... and we can't LET GO.

Our Insecurities ...they bind us to our ego, our false pride  ... our inhibitions and so called attachments are formed ... That's when the trouble begins ...

Our insecurities squeeze the life out of us ... we go pale ... we lose sight of everything ... hindsight and foresight ... and that makes us commit mistakes ... Mistakes that take a lifetime to surface from ... Sometimes we drown in them.... sometimes we just keeping bobbing our heads in that sea of turmoil... coming up for a breather and then sinking to the bottom again ...

Our insecurities pull us down and we either drown alone or pull others along too.... depends how strong the pull is or how strong is your mental foundation ... the layering done by the mason of your character ... The stronger the foundation ... lesser the insecurities ... the weaker the masonry .... weaker the house that was built upon it ... so keep your foundations strong ... work on it and make it better with each autumn that blows its winds in your direction.

Don't let insecurities bog you down .... work a way around them ... and, move on.