Monday, November 26, 2012

A must ...

A must if one wants to remain in a peaceful state ....
Forget ... Erase ...
Not possible!
Easier said than done ...
One can't stop dreaming ...
One can't stop imagining ....
For a person to create and procreate ...
One has to keep the hope alive ...
Remain calm in still waters and in a storm too.
There has to be some semblance ...
To the mayhem ... The heart creates ...
Wandering through meandering imaginations ...
Full of hope and positivity...
Lots of pluses ...
No minuses ...
No negativity ... just a positive optimism ...
Of a life beyond and yonder ...
Full of wonder and surprises...
Just like today and in the past ...
Pleasant surprises that keep you going ...
And gung ho about everything.

A must indeed ...
Is the need to retire into your fantasy land ...
Where all is hunky dory ...
Attract that happiness ...
Bring it into your present moment and ...
Moments to come further.

A must is the need to be absolutely at peace ...
At peace with yourself and the rest of the World...
Nothing should matter ...
But, matters of the heart.

A must .... happiness with and within yourself.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

A piece of me ...

A piece of me ... misplaced ....
Lost in the melee of life ...
Somewhere along the West coast ....
Some where deep within ....
Buried in a forest ....
Enroute via  a lake ...
To the heart that never sleeps ...
In a concrete jungle ....
Based in a city that never sleeps.

A piece of me ....
Left behind ...
Over coffee and a piece of chocolate brownie...
Somewhere in the Coffee place ...
Picked up by the stranger ...
Who once was a known face.

A bit of me ....
By the sea side ...
Walking beside him ...
Left behind a bit of him and me ....
In the frothy foamy waves of the shore.

A chunky piece of me ...
On the green hills ...
Treacherous terrain ...
Yet no fear....
No fear of skidding or falling ....
Off the precipice ...
The biggest adventure of them all.

Bits and pieces ....
A puzzle to be put together...
But not now...
In the back burner of my mind ....
My heart takes rest for a while....
Yet not ready to lose it again ...
But all set for another match....
A rematch ...
To set the scores straight ....
To win the game ....
All over again.

A piece of me ...
A piece of him ....
Put the two together...
A beautiful song to hum.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

What all...

What all people do for love ....
Gawd! Hard to imagine ...
But, it's true ...
Feelings can make a person turn turtle ...
Rather a Goose ...
Seeking love ....
Doing anything for that particular word ...
A state of being ...
When one is totally lost and immersed ...
In another ...
That's why she immersed herself in his idol ...
Yes, Meera Bai ....
She left the mortal World to embrace immortality in his love ....
Lord Krishna! The one whom all fall in love with ...
For his love ...
A glimpse of him ...
Women over ages have sacrificed themselves ...
That's selfless ... unimaginable love ...
What all people do for love.

See them immersed in his songs ....
Oblivious of the gazes that they get ...
Krishna Bhaktas... one and all...
All and sundry .... Just singing away ...
Hare Hare ...
An image conjured in the mind ...
Blessed are those that find peace in him ...
The one from whom the Universe started ...
The one who will end it all.

What all ...we do for love ...
Immolating ourselves in the fiery fire of love ...
Unquenched thirsty love ...
Pure blessed love.
Easier said than done ...
Takes a Braveheart to proclaim their love ...
Takes a Braveheart to burn in love ...
Takes a Braveheart to turn their back on their love ...
So that there is peace ...
The loved one is at peace and not hounded ever again.

It takes courage to love and let go ...
Nerves of steel ...
To steel oneself against the blizzard...
To stand tall and walk away....
To just walk away from the mayhem ...
That Love brings in it's wake.

Better to have loved and lost ...
Rather than, never loved at all.

Phir wohi kahani .... Repeat telecast?

Damn .... Once again , a repeat of the last blunder....
A mistake I don't wanna repeat again...
Once more ... the same situation ...
An outright asking for help ...
An outright cry for love ...
Nah, this time a strict No, No ...
Had enough on my plate to make history repeat itself...
No ways... Not a total stranger ....
Never met ...
Just an acquaintance ....
Nope, don't wanna fall int this trap again.
Funny are the ways of the Lord...
Sending people my way ....
Very well knowing that ....
Am wary of the same kind of moves ....
Am wary of the same mistake being committed twice over.
Once bitten twice shy ....
Am not gonna fall in this trap again.
This time round ...
No repeat telecast ....
Cast away the reel in the dustbin ....
No more ....
No time to waste on trivial pursuits...
No time for anyone else.

Relief ...

What a relief! Whew! ...
Thought she would never leave ...
What lacklustre performance ...
A shame to call an educator ...
Full of mistakes ...
And, falsehood ....
Thank God! She has left .....
Didn't know how to tell her...
On her face ....
That she was a no good teacher.
Always messing up things ...
Messing up plans ...
Messing up accounts ...
Spellos... yikes! A nightmare ...
Looks ... Horror movie heroine ...
The moment one saw her ...
One's mood would be off ...
Always full of spite for others...
Pointing out other's mistakes ...
Never looking at her own self ...
And the blunders she had created.
Thank Lord! The virus is out of the system ...
A pain to call her a teacher.
Have lot of unwinding to do ...
Unwinding the mistakes she had created ...
A bane in the name of Education ...
A shame to our name.
What a relief.... she is out of the system now...
On her own ...
Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Aching ....

Am aching and itching all over ...
The itch has begun...
To yet begin another journey ...
Another adventure to go on ...
My feet never still..
Not a still water ..
But, a stream...
A brook lively with colours and bloom...
The banks alive with life ...
Sounds of critters and music of birds..
A life beckoning me to leap ....
And, reach beyond and yonders....
A life calling out ....
Asking me to live again....
Toleave everything behind ...
To plunge in the labyrinth of another life...
A whirlpool of emotions ....
Knowing not  what lies ahead...
But, yet the adventurous soul within  wants to move forth ....
Experience the goodness of living once again.
An ache ...
A deep within feeling ....
The wanderlust bug has bitten me again.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Bemused wanderings of a naughty mind...

Amused at the hilarious situations people put themselves in. Perched on precarious precipices men, women and children place themselves in. The heart; it is a rather serious comedienne; making us do things, we couldn't ever imagine ourselves doing but we .... we end up doing and making all the silly mistakes that a third person looking at us would scoff at and make fun of us. But, heart; dear dear heart makes a fool of itself always.

But, no regrets. What the heck we all make a fool of ourselves once in a while .. some like me, make a fool of themselves all the time. But, what is the lesson learnt? Keep it in mind always ... you came alone you shall go alone ... you might find a companion in the journey of life ; some who can cope with your speed of travel... some get left behind .. some move ahead and disappear in the oblivion ... Don't lose yourself ... gather your wits and have another show... It will be a complete sell out.

Wander you must. Call yourself a wanderlust traveller in this journey of life. Travel in style.Live life King size and Queen size  There is no other alternative but to move ahead always. Movement should be a constant in your life always.

Wander in the woods or in the concrete jungle you reside in ... but wander you must. There is no alternative to motion. Motion is life itself. Slow or fast; keep moving ... never look back ... there is no looking back ... what's left behind was never meant to be. Just gather your wits, nothing else is needed  to survive ... a good sense of humour... the ability to make a joke out of yourself and every situation in life. Only a true human being can laugh at his or her own self and yet be happy. Be naughty, be childlike... forgive but don't forget the lesson learnt ... move on ... before the sun sets you need to find a place where all like minded souls meet and have a gathering of intellectuals ... wandering minds all out to have some fun.

Am a bemused wanderer ... with wanderlust in her eyes ... stardust in her gaze ... spring in her gait ... a faraway look searching for the cloudburst that is her final abode...

Friday, November 16, 2012

Of late ...

Of late, I feel life has become less hectic. Maybe just a phase, everything seems to be at peace; even me.
The general feeling of nothing really happening seems dull. Is it that the adage 'There's a lull before a storm' apply here? Dunno, I guess I am just imagining it ... but, a new phase is about to begin, more intense and much more hectic but never the less exciting; I guess.

Of late, maybe it's the holiday season, too many days going lazying about, lolling around; doing absolutely nothing... Maybe that is making me feel so lethargic or is it the weather... the nip in the air... winter starting with the bang of firecrackers ... long movie marathons... festivities and loads of rich food to go with it... making me lazy. Nah, lazy; I ain't.

Then, what is it that makes me think that there is too much silence around? Is it that Silence is the fence around wisdom? The fence within which I am cocooned and ensconed warm and cozy. Like a caterpillar all set to become a butterfly. A colourful and meaningful life ahead.

Of late ... the feeling is of peace ... the ultimate bliss each one seeks in a world full of conflict, aches and pain.
Inner peace .... like I have reached the end of my journey  and there is no more to travel. It is time to bid adieu to all and sundry and moving to the next level. Full Stop.