Friday, August 31, 2012

Flowers from the heart of a true lover .... A love story never told before ...

This is the story of a man and a woman who loved each other truly ...
The story of pure love .....
She loved flowers ...
His garden glows with these flowers and the creation of God and love .....

She worshipped him and he loved her ...
A pure love ....
A true story ...
The flowers are witness to his undying love for her ...

They can never be separated ....
Ever ... ever ...
They are one through their passion ...
The vibrant and bright colours ....
Telling their love story ...
He was inexpressive via words ...
But he expressed through his garden of love ....

Today, I share their love story through his labour of love ....
The flowers from his ....
Garden of Eden ....

A tribute to Maa and Daddu ..... 

Flowers from the Garden of Love .....

Look for the answer ...

In your question ..
Lies the answer...
I asked a question...
Why me?
You didn't give an answer ....
So, I keep asking the same question ....
The answer lies within me ....
Yet, I want to hear you say it.
Till you don't answer ....
This struggle and conflict will go on ....
There won't be an end to it ....
We shall both suffer ....
The rest with us in silence.

There is no looking back ...
Nor is there something to look forward to ....
Just an answer...
And, all would be resolved ...
But, an honest answer...
Is all I need from you.

But, you don't give the answer ..
I want to hear ....
So, the war of the roses goes on  and on.

Look for the answer to this question ...
Within you Darling ....
The answer lies with you  not me.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tip of the Iceberg ...

This is just the beginning ....
There's more to come ....
Just the tip of the Iceberg ...
There's lots beneath the surface ....
They say a woman's heart is like a deep blue Sea....
The depths of which not known to man ...
So guess... what more secrets of yours ....
Are hidden deep within ...
Secrets that can destroy your whole World ....
Wake up Sunshine ....
Before dusk dawns in ...
And all is lost ...
No hope left for you.

You can't fathom the extent .....
To which my rage can reduce you to ashes ....
Again I repeat ...
One who lives in a glass house shouldn't ...
Throw stones at others homes ...
In this process ....
You will only destroy your own World ....
Nothing will be left ...
No past, no present and no future ...
An empty house to go to ....
No one left to greet you ...
Just photo frames ...
With people staring at you ....
Asking .... Why did you do this Diploo?
And, Diploo won't have a reply ....
Just a sad forlorn long face .....
His solace his porn movies .......
On his gadgets to keep him company...

I have nothing to gain or lose ....
You took it all away .....
Your happiness counted for you ...
Today I ask you to return my peace back to me ....
Return the piece of me you destroyed ....
Can you?
No, you can't ....
and yet you remain unrepentant and stoic ...
Then, I have no choice but to continue the battle ...
all is fair in love and war ....
And if it is war .....
So be it......
If  being adamant is your stance ....
You know me well enough ....
You can't break me ...
My words slice through you each moment ...
They say ' Pen is mightier than a Sword' ....
I shall continue using my pen .....
Freedom of speech is what I shall use ....
You can try your best ...
I won't bend as always ....I shall bring you to your knees time and again......
There's no looking back ...
I have my resolve ...
As strong as Titanium and steel ...
You know me ...
Am the iron lady ....
You loved that quality in me ...
You shall experience it first hand as always ....
My words are steel pellets that will hurt you always ....
You won't live, yet you won't die.

So far you have seen the tip of the iceberg ....
There is lots beneath ....
Wait for the volley to begin ....
Then there won't be no looking back ...
Just marching forward ....
The Army never turns it's back ..
It marches on destroying anything that comes in between.

Iceberg ... that destroyed the mighty Titanic ....
What are you?
Just a mere criminal ....
You are over and done with all your conniving ....
Time for annihilation....
Icy cold waters to freeze you to death ...
Slow and steady ....
But, very painful.

This is just the tip of the iceberg .....

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Sparkle... sparkles with your timeless love ...
Sparkle knows .... your love was true ...
Sparkle knows ... you  still love her....
You don't have to say it ....
Sparkle .... just knows.
Know it for sure ...
Sparkle will always be there for you ...
All you need to do is ...
Call her ...
And, She will break every barrier ....
Every bondage .... just to be with you.
You have loved Sparkle truly ....
And, Sparkle hasn't forgotten ...
She is there for you ...
Others have come and gone ....
She has no regrets for them ...
But, she will break all the rules Just for YOU ...
Every music reminds her of you .... That you selected and played ...
That you suggested ...they still resonate within her ....
Music man you are Rumi ....
You are Ghalib ...
You are the essence of folk lore ...
Your Ektara and Sitar ...
Her visions ....
You play music in her visions ....
Especially when she is down and out ....
Unspoken words ....
Yet so explicit and known.....
You are the Maestro ....
She is the danseuse...
You both are what life is all about ...
You both are what true love is all about ...
Sparkle awaits the signal from you .....
She will wait forever.

Ummmm .... What a sight it would be ....

The roar of the Lion ....
Reduced to a whimper ....
Ah! Pure bliss....
Ooh... What a feeling ....
Hearing that voice again ....
But, this time ....
Whining .... and just a weak shadow of it's heyday bellow....
Where's the music man gone now?
What a sight .....
Felt pity ....
Like for a mongrel ....
A street dog ....
Who hasn't eaten for days together.....
Aah! ..... The so called man ....
Reduced to pulp.....
Now, where is the over confidence dear?
How do you face the World now?
How do you go in front of the same people who used to call you Sir with respect?
Do they still respect you?
Nah.... they work for the salary ....
Not you anymore....
No one works for a beggar ...
No one works for you know who ....
The word you said so meekly today.

This is the beginning of an end .....
Ever heard of the African Mumba?
Google ... read something ...
Educate yourself ....
An Elephant's memory never fades ....
A snake captures it's tormentor image in his vision ...
Know it ....
They are all dangerous ....
They are not so when they are your friends ....
But, you rub them the wrong way ....
And, all you get is ....
You know what ...
Trampled upon, thrown hither tither ....
Or plain bitten to a horrific death.

Never cross my path again dear ....
For, I haven't forgotten ...
I shall never .....
I remember 10th August 2012 ....
It was a memorable day ....
What a sight to see ....
The same hands that caressed me ...
The same fingers that ran lovingly through my hair ....
In cuffs ....
A beautiful sight indeed....
I cried deep within ...
For the lost love ....
But steeled myself for justice ...
Love is in one place ...
And, correcting your loved one is another ...
You did wrong ....
I had to teach you a lesson ....
That doesn't mean I don't love you ...
It means I love you ...
So, I won't allow you to do anything wrong again ....

I will never let you do any wrong again ...
That's my promise to you ...
I ensured it.
Now, go home and relax....
You have a family that loves you ....
Never break their trust again.

You are a free bird ....
I am flying away ...
So you can be with your flock ...
I have miles to cover ....
Places to go ...
Before I sleep ....
A long sleep dreaming of you ...
Coz' that's the only place.....
I shall meet you away from prying eyes ....
Away from evil eyes ...
Just in my own vision ....
My own eyes ....
That is enough for a lifetime ....

Umm... What a sight it would be .....
A World of our own ....
A figment of my imagination NOW.

Wanna know my mood today?

If you really want to know ...
Want to know ....
How your day with me is gonna go ....
Read my blogposts....
Yep..... That's where my present day....
Present moment feelings are expressed ....
So explicitly .....
That it gives goosebumps to the person ....
Who is reading it ....
And, sleepless nights ...
To the one who knows it is for him or her.

This is the best way ....
To take it all out ...
Early morning ablution ....
Expel the shit outta your system....
Rather than let it sit in there ....
and rot and cause stink and decay ...
Just let the steam out ...
So that you feel better ...
I meant, I feel better ....
And, it helps move on.

These memories remain ....
But, later as scars only ....
So best is to take it all out ...
An outbursts ...
And then there is calmness ...
Pure serenity and bliss.

The last couple of months ....
I have had no peace of mind ....
The heart broken ....
Trying to gather the pieces ...
And, then I just let go ...
Didn't bother picking the pieces ....
And, putting it all together ...
No more ...
Just let go.

Rightly said, When one thing is lost ....
Another is gained ....
I gained some experience ....
Saw the true colours .....of the so called Rainbow ....
The Land of colours ...
Showed me the that colours are just...
A figment of imagination .....
Rest is nothing ....
Nothingness .... A black hole ...
An emptiness within each being.
Each one tormented by their troubled souls ....
Each a sad being .....
To each his own then....
Coz' am moving away ...
Found my Nirvana .....
My Moksha ....

Monday, August 27, 2012

Crimson tide ....

The tide came in today .....
All crimson ...
As though someone's throat was slit ....
And he was left to die ....To drown ...
In the deep blue Ocean.

The sky opened up ...
And it is pouring like hell let loose ...
Guess, God too is letting go ...

I remember him at this time ....
Sitting by the window sill ...
The walk by the Sea face ...
The walk on the beach ...
The walk on the hill ....
I tell AGNI the whole story ....
He has to know ...
To know from the womb itself ...
He twists and turns .....
As though wincing in pain ....
Seeing his mother so sad ....
But, that's life ...
Sometimes it throws lemons at us ....
Better make lemonade and have it.

But, frankly I have no regrets.....
Time spent with him was full of happiness at least ...
Momentary yet a fulfilled  love life ...
He brought a smile on my face ....
His hugs gave me a reason to celebrate ....
Crimson hues but beautiful horizon ...
He was my Sunrise and ...
He is my Sunset.

Today,  I raise a toast in his memory ...
A memory of a bygone era ....
Memory of a lost love ...
Memory of a beloved ....
I wish him luck ...
I wish him happiness ....
There is no looking back ....
 There is no fast forward either.

Crimson hues ...
Crimson tide ...
Waves crashing on rocks ....
Drops of salty seawater on my face ....
What do I need?
Nothing .....
Just the total recall is enough to last me a lifetime.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

I am sailing away ....

Time for a sabbatical .....
Am sailing away to a far away land ....
Time to spend alone ...
All alone .... My space , my time ....
All alone with just AGNI for company ....
Time to go away and give AGNI the chance to survive ....
I shall be back ....
The movie hasn't ended yet .....
This is just the beginning ....
The Tip of an Iceberg ...
There is lots underneath ....
With time ... all will come out ...
Everything exposed ....
Now is the time to rest and recuperate ....
To come back with a vengeance ....
Kannagi Style ....
Who was Kannagi ?
A woman whose love for her husband burnt a whole city down ....
Know your facts ....
Time for some respite ....
And then ..... You know what ...
I can die for people I love ...
And, destroy the ones I come to hate.

I am sailing away ....
A long cruise ....
Travel with my unborn ....
And, then return with the prodigal son.